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It is so still, so open; the tall columns of the portico entrance look down on you so grimly; the front of the booking-offices, in their garment of clean stucco, look so primly respectable that you cannot help feeling ashamed of yourself, feeling as uncomfortable as when you have called too early on an economically genteel couple, and been shown into a handsome drawing-room, on a frosty day, without a fire.

Susan had primly, and with an air of refusing to participate in the spoils of vice, declined to let Marion buy her a firstclass ticket, so the parting had to take place in a crowded thirdclass compartment.

It was a dreary old building enough, weather-beaten and brown, with primly laid-out grounds, and row upon row of stiff poplars waving in the wintery wind. A lonely, forlorn old place a vivid contrast to the beauty and brightness of Kingsland Court; and from the first day of her entrance, Lady Kingsland, senior, hated her daughter-in-law with double hatred and rancor.

'If he had even shown that he was a little disappointed, too the girl began, and then she stopped. 'That would not have been good manners, my lady, Pina said primly. 'When a gentleman has carried off a young lady, with her own consent, the least he can do is to look pleased, I am sure! 'I thought you would understand better, Ortensia answered in a tone of disappointment.

"Kate has a sick headache," she explained primly, "and I did the best I could with lunch. I hope it's " "It is," Ford interrupted reassuringly. "Everything is fine and dandy." "You didn't cook any potatoes!" Buddy charged mercilessly. "And Ford's too drunk to put the butter on right. I'm going to tell my dad that next time he goes to Oregon I'm going along.

Before she could choose either form, he said it himself. "Say, look here, look here didn't my uncle introduce us once, on a car, or something? Doesn't he know your mother?" "My mother's dead," said Susan primly. But so irresistible was the well of gaiety bubbling up in her heart that she made the statement mirthful. "Oh, gosh, I do beg your pardon " the man stammered.

On the edge of the iron sink primly washed and spread out to dry, was a tattered old rag. At the sight of it, at the thought of Milt solemnly washing dishes, the tears began to creep to her eyes. There was but one picture in the room a half-tone of a girl, clipped from a magazine devoted to actresses. The name was cut off.

Povey," said Maggie, "so I don't know as I know how it ought for be done not rightly. But I hope as you'll accept of it, Mrs. Povey." "Oh! of course," said Mrs. Povey, primly, just as if Maggie was not the central supporting pillar of the house, just as if Maggie had not assisted at her birth, just as if the end of the world had not abruptly been announced, just as if St.

Tom!" and in another instant he was enveloped in a tiny cloud of lace and ribbons and primly starched linen while two bare, brown little legs waved wildly about his breast, a pair of very sticky lips were set against his own, and his neck found itself in the clasp of tiny fingers that had known orange-juice and oat-meal and sugar and possibly jam since they had had intimate association of water.

Daggett was wrapping in brown paper two large dill pickles dripping sourness for a small girl with straw-colored pig-tails. Mr. Daggett beamed cordially upon Mrs. Black, as he dropped two copper pennies in his cash-drawer. "Good evening, ma'am," said he. "What can I do for you?" "A ten-cent can of baking-powder, if you please," replied the lady primly.