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The nurse smilingly ushered her in, passed her almost on the threshold, and went out, quietly closing the door. Allison, as eager as a boy of twenty, had half risen in bed. The injured hand was hidden by the sheet, but the other was outstretched in welcome. "Isabel," he breathed. "My Isabel!" Isabel did not move. "How do you do?" she said primly. "I'm sorry I can't get you a chair, dear.

You agree with me, dear, that that consideration comes before everything?" "Yes, indeed, Uncle John," she said primly. He smiled suddenly and very charmingly. "Elsie dear, if I hadn't known that your step-mother was a schoolmistress, I should have guessed it," he declared. "Externally, her influence upon you has almost blotted out your mother's.

Lydia gave Martie a resentful look, and her mother a sympathetic one, before she said primly: "If Sally Monroe wanted Ma and me to go see her and her baby, why didn't she marry some man Pa could have been proud of, and have a church wedding and act in a way becoming to her family?" To this Martie had nothing to say. She left messages of love for Len and for her father.

"No," said Felicity, rather primly. "Then yez don't know what's good for yez," retorted Peg, rather grumpily. But a few whiffs of her pipe placated her and, observing Cecily sigh, she asked her kindly what was the matter. "I'm thinking how worried they'll be at home about us," explained Cecily. "Bless you, dearie, don't be worrying over that.

And at the bottom Sara Lee's request for more money an apologetic, rather breathless request, and closing, rather primly with this: "I am sure that the society will feel, from the above report, that the work is worth while, and worth continuing. I am only sorry that I cannot send photographs of the men who come for aid, but as they come at night it is impossible.

"It has nothing to do with the secret proceedings of your 'frat'," said Dora, primly. "What I want to ask about has been talked of all over the place to-day. Everyone has been saying it was your 'frat' that sent the first telegram to members of the Government offering support in case of war with Germany. They say you didn't even wait until to-day, but sent off a message last night.

Half-a dozen covered sleighs, going and returning, transported the party to the barracks, where, escorted by their military hosts, they ascended the staircase, banked with evergreens, and lined by motionless soldiers to the ante-room, which, of course, looked as unattractive as the cordial but mistaken exertions of its proprietors could make it all the laissez-aller comfort primly tidied away, and such a roasting fire as speedily drove every one to remote corners of the room.

"I don't," I said, and then I remembered that sounded rather rude, and they had been kind to me. "At least, you know, I think the country is dull; don't you for always?" "Yes," he replied, primly, "for men, but it is where I should always wish to see the woman I respected." "Are towns so wicked?" I asked, in my little-angel voice. "Tell me of their pitfalls, so that I may avoid them."

The door was suddenly opened from within, and Maggie surveyed them from the height of the two steps. "A happy New Year, mum, to all of you." "Thank you, Maggie," said Mrs. Baines, and primly added: "The same to you!" And in her own mind she said that Maggie could best prove her desire for a happy new year by contriving in future not to 'scamp her corners, and not to break so much crockery.

On one side of the château a rose garden was laid out, not too primly, and many other gardens; while on the other side, overlooking the hedgeway and quite screened from the château by groves of linden trees, and by great clumps, almost groves, of huge old lilacs, was a plaisance, in the formal Italian style.