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"I see you do not not even good-day to your own nephew," said he. "I hae naething to be ashamed of," said she. "I can say the Lord's Prayer with a good grace. If Hob was ill, or in preeson or poverty, I would see to him blithely. But for curtchying and complimenting and colloguing, thank ye kindly!" Archie had a bit of a smile: he leaned back in his chair. "I think you and Mrs.

"Mounseer," answers my grandfather, "I dare say you've a-done it for your country; but we've a-caught you, and now you must go to prison wee, wee, to preeson," he says, lisping it in a Frenchified way so as to make himself understood. Bligh began to foam. "The longer you keep up this farce, my fine fellows, the worse you'll smart for it! There's a Magistrate in this parish, as I happen to know."

"I see you do not not even good-day to your own nephew," said he. "I hae naething to be ashamed of," said she. "I can say the Lord's prayer with a good grace. If Hob was ill, or in preeson or poverty, I would see to him blithely. But for curtchying and complimenting and colloguing, thank ye kindly!" Archie had a bit of a smile: he leaned back in his chair. "I think you and Mrs.

"Just to the Bass, mannie," said he: "Whaur the auld saints were afore ye, and I misdoubt if ye have come so fairly by your preeson." "But none dwells there now," I cried; "the place is long a ruin." "It'll be the mair pleisand a change for the solan geese, then," quoth Andie dryly.

"Just to the Bass, mannie," said he: "whaur the auld sants were afore ye, and I misdoubt if ye have come so fairly by your preeson." "But none dwells there now," I cried; "the place is long a ruin." "It'll be the mair pleisand a change for the solan geese, then," quoth Andie dryly.

Mason, who built and endowed Edge-hill church, and whose mansion stood at the corner of Mason-street, the gardens of which extended to the bottom of Paddington. James-street was named after Mr. Roger James, who held large property in it. Preeson's-row was named after Alderman Preeson, who built his house and two others of the old Castle materials.

"Just to the Bass, mannie," said he: "whaur the auld sants were afore ye, and I misdoubt if ye have come so fairly by your preeson." "But none dwells there now," I cried; "the place is long a ruin." "It'll be the mair pleisand a change for the solan geese, then," quoth Andie drily.

"Wee, wee," my grandfather took him up, calm as you please. "You shocked me dreadful yesterday with your blasphemious talk: but now, seeing 'tis French, I don't mind so much. Take your time: but when you come out you go to prison. Wee, wee preeson," says my grandfather. "Are you drunk?" yells Bligh. "Get off my clothes this instant, you hobnailed son of a something-or-other!"