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The weight of his weapon, the corpulence of his person, the very effervescence of his own passions, were rapidly exhausting both his strength and his breath, and he was almost at the mercy of his antagonist, when up started the sleeping Highlander from the floor on which he reclined, with his naked sword and target in his hand, and threw himself between the discomfited magistrate and his assailant, exclaiming, "Her nainsell has eaten the town pread at the Cross o' Glasgow, and py her troth she'll fight for Bailie Sharvie at the Clachan of Aberfoil tat will she e'en!"

Der liddle brudders an' sisters go to school, vear good clothes, haf better pread an' meat; der mudder lif fat, dere iss joy in der eye, an' she iss proud of her good boy Joe. "But he haf der beautiful body ach, Gott, der beautiful body! stronger as der ox, k-vicker as der tiger-cat, der head cooler as der ice-box, der eyes vat see eferytings, k-vick, just like dat.

Every month he use to give me five francs. . . . He knew that I had three children and a wife. My wife has gone to the church." "I shall difide mein pread mit you," cried Schmucke, in his joy at finding at his side some one who loved Pons. "If this gentleman will take a corner of the pall, we shall have all four filled up," said the master of the ceremonies.

The result, however, was not quite what he expected. Patsy would not even listen. "Py cosh, I not stand for dose poys no more," he declared, wagging his head with its shiny crown and the fringe of grizzled hair around the back. "I not cook grub for dat Irish und dat Big Medicine und Happy Jack und all dose vat cooms und eats mine pies und shpoils mine pread und makes deirselves fools all der time.

The opening lines seem to promise well and have much of mellow thought, in spite of five hissing sibilants in the very first verse 'Ti/s/ the warm /S/outh, where Europe /s/pread/s/ her land/s/. Like fretted leaflets, breathing on the deep: And then comes in the fourth line an awful cacophony of alliteration and an alliteration in "c." A /C/alm earth-goddess /c/rowned with /c/orn and vines.

The weight of his weapon, the corpulence of his person, the very effervescence of his own passions, were rapidly exhausting both his strength and his breath, and he was almost at the mercy of his antagonist, when up started the sleeping Highlander from the floor on which he reclined, with his naked sword and target in his hand, and threw himself between the discomfited magistrate and his assailant, exclaiming, "Her nainsell has eaten the town pread at the Cross o' Glasgow, and py her troth she'll fight for Bailie Sharvie at the Clachan of Aberfoil tat will she e'en!"

"Nothing easier; the gaffer has come fairly by his nickname," said Cerizet. At the sound of the fat Cointet's voice, Kolb guessed at once that they were talking about his master, especially as the sense of the words began to dawn upon him; but, when he recognized Cerizet's tones, his astonishment grew more and more. "Und dat fellow haf eaten his pread!" he thought, horror-stricken.

He buy der pread an' der meat, an' pay der rent. On Saturday night he bring home ten dollar. Den Hansen gif him twelve dollar vat he do? He iss der liddle fader, he bring it home to der mudder. He vork all der time, he get twenty dollar vat he do? He bring it home.

Every month he use to give me five francs.... He knew that I had three children and a wife. My wife has gone to the church." "I shall difide mein pread mit you," cried Schmucke, in his joy at finding at his side some one who loved Pons. "If this gentleman will take a corner of the pall, we shall have all four filled up," said the master of the ceremonies.