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He wore a little brown beard carefully trimmed around his well-oiled chin after the manner of Roman men of fashion; and his dark hair was crimped in regular steps or gradations, parting in the middle and arranged on both sides like a girl's. Suet., "Nero," 51. "Good morning, Pratinas!" said Lucius, warmly, taking the Greek's hand. "How glad we are to find you here.

Otherwise the good would triumph, whereas evil reigns to-day." "And you advise?" said Ahenobarbus, leaning forward with pent-up excitement. "I advise?" replied Pratinas; "I am only a poor ignorant Hellene, and who am I, to give advice to Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, a most noble member of the most noble of nations!"

Yes, Agias found himself in a condition when he could well ask to have no change. The possibility that Pratinas would come home, and put an end to the romance once and for all, was just great enough to give the affair the zest of a dangerous adventure.

Cornelia led her on, until they stood before the prisoner. "Artemisia," said Cornelia, in a low voice, "have you ever seen this man before?" Artemisia raised her eyes, and, as they lit on Pratinas, there was in them a gleam of wonder, then of fear, and she shrank back in dread, so that Cornelia threw her arm about her to comfort her. "A! A!" and the girl began to cry. "Has he found me?

V. At the age of twenty-five, the son of Euphorion produced his first tragedy. This appears to have been exhibited in the year after the appearance of Aristagoras at Athens, in that very year so eventful and important, when the Athenians lighted the flames of the Persian war amid the blazing capital of Sardis. He had two competitors in Pratinas and Choerilus.

"Ill? I am not a human wolf, making pretty objects like this my prey!" Then, choosing his moment carefully, by a quick turn he confronted Sesostris sternly, and almost thundered: "You speak of my doing ill to this maiden? You speak the slave of Pratinas, who is the leader in every vice and wild prank in Rome! Has the slave as well as the master learned to play the hypocrite?

A few more months of this life and I am away from this beastly Rome, to enjoy myself among civilized people." Pratinas went over to a large wooden chest with iron clasps, unlocked it, and gazed for a moment inside with evident satisfaction. "There are six good talents in there," he remarked to himself, "and then there is Artemisia."

As the lady drew toward the open door she saw the graceful, easy form of Pratinas on the threshold, one hand carelessly thrust in the folds of his himation, the other gesturing animatedly, while he leaned against the stone casing.

"I matched two mirmillones of mine there against two threces of another lanista, and my dogs won the prize; but I can't say that I am acquainted with the place," answered the other. Gladiators equipped as Gaulish warriors. Buckler men. "You should find out, then," said Pratinas, "for here lies your work."

Only a little while after you left, Pratinas came back. I could see that he had something on his mind, although he said nothing. He seemed uneasy, and kept casting sidelong glances at me, which made me feel uncomfortable. I went up to him, and put my arms around his neck. 'Dear uncle, I said, 'what is troubling you to-night? 'Nothing, he answered, and he half tried to take my arms away.