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But on the other side, above Athenry, 'tis there ye'll see the foin shootin'. Thims the boys for powdher an' shot! 'Tis more than nine they shot, aye, and more than tin it was. An' sarve thim right, if they must turn the people out, an' have their own way. May the Lord protect ye! May angels make yer bed this night! Long may ye live, an' yer sowl to glory!"

"Virgin Mary! there they are at it," said Dan; "now they're oncet began in arnest, they'll not lave it till they're both dead, or there's not a grain of powdher left. Bad cess to them Majors for bringing thim together; couldn't they be fighting theyselles av they plazed, and not be setting the real gentry of the counthry at each other like game cocks?" "Had they much powdher I wonder, Dan?

"'None iv your blarney, says the squire, 'here's my leg, says he, cockin' it up to him, 'pull it for the bare life, says he; 'an' if you don't, by the immortial powers I'll not lave a bone in your carcish I'll not powdher, says he.

"Save your powdher, Masther Barry," answered Tim; "shure they're only monkeys. We shall hear them howling loud enough at night-time; you might then fancy that they were a whole troop of Indians coming down to scalp us." The animals at which we were looking were of considerable size, with a reddish tinge on their rough hair.

'Ye took wan in, an' warmed it, he says; 'an' it has growed an' multiplied till ye'er system does be full iv' thim, he says, 'millions iv thim, he says, 'marchin' an' counthermarchin' through ye. 'Glory be to the saints! says I. 'Had I better swallow some insect powdher? I says. 'Some iv thim in me head has a fallin' out, an' is throwin' bricks. 'Foolish man, says he.

"I'm afeared to shoot so close lest I might singe yer hair, but I can't stand on ceremony, me dears," he said, addressing the wolves, as he drew his pistol. "Bedad, I must go and stop that wastin' o' powdher!" The next moment something suddenly sang aloud in the wilderness a wild, strange, sibilant strain.

Was there a dail of ammunition in the carriage?" "Faix their war so; that Major, bad luck to him, had his own and Master George's horns crammed with powdher, and as many bullets in a bag under his coat-tail as he could well-nigh carry." "Then they're one or both as good as dead; they're loading again now, I'll go bail.

Whin there's no redskins to kill they must be wastin' good powdher on a three." I leaped upon a stump and scanned the line of sentries between us and the woods; only their heads and shoulders appeared above the rank growth. I saw them looking from one to another questioningly, some shouting words I could not hear.

'Twill cool their courage and clean their hides at the same time." The small Separatist was about to make an angry reply, when I interposed with an inquiry as to his estimate of Mr. Gladstone. "Ah," said the little man, with a pucker of his little nose, and a grand gesture of contempt, "sure he's not worth as much powdher as would blow him to hell."

They have guns that fire dinnymite an' guns that fire th' hateful, sickly green lyddite that makes th' inimy look like fiat money, an' guns that fire canned beef f'r th' inimy an' distimper powdher for th' inimy's horses. An' they have some guns that shoot straight." "Well, thin," Mr. Hennessy grumbled, "it's a wondher to me that with all thim things they ain't more people kilt.