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There's a place where the two ruffs come together that wants somethin', an' it seems to me it's a cupalo somethin' to stan' up over the whole thing, and say to them as comes, 'Hallelujer! We've done a good deal for house-keepin', now let's do somethin' for glory. It's jest like a ribbon on a bonnet, or a blow on a potato-vine. It sets it off, an' makes a kind o' Fourth o' July for it.

"Rarely, but in this case I flew to pick up the picture you had dropped." "Oh, the maid would have done that. She was promptly on hand." "Yes, too promptly. So promptly as to inspire the belief that she suspected something was on foot when you when I By the way, what became of that sprig of potato-vine, or chickweed, or something, that was on top of the frame? Mrs.

Wells missed it as soon as she came in." "It fell into the grate, I presume; but it wasn't chickweed. There's more of it if Mrs. Wells needs it," she added, nodding to the pendent spray beneath the chandelier. "It doesn't signify." "Oh, I thought it did at least I hoped so. Mistletoe generally does." "Not when mistaken for potato-vine," she answered, yet her eyes were smiling at him.

A half-finished mat, with its bundle of rags put carefully aside; the thirsty potato-vine on the fire-escape, which reached appealingly from its soap-box toward the window, as if in wondering search for the hands that had tended it so faithfully, bore silent testimony that Mrs. Ben Wah's work-day was over at last. It had been a long day how long no one may ever know.