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I made them an Andalusian pot-pourri! They were tickled to death over it!" He was enthusiastic over his culinary achievement as if all his merits were summed up in this skill.

I spent the day chiefly in the garden, gathering roses for pot-pourri, being disinclined for any more reasonable occupation, partly by the thundery oppressiveness of the air, partly by a vague, dull feeling of dread that made me restless, and which was yet one of those phases of feeling in which, if life depended on an energetic movement, one must trifle.

That subtle odour of pot-pourri had gripped me until I felt faint and inert beneath its perfume, and it often returned to me but in fancy, of course.

"But now I remember, Freddie said nothing was to be touched till he made up his mind what to do with the little place. Why, there's everything!" And they both looked in astonishment at the white, fragrant rows, at the worn monogram in the corners of the sheets, at the little bags of lavender and pot-pourri ranged along the shelves.

One day in the Opera-House at Salt Lake, when the carpenters were laying the floor for the Fourth-of-July-Eve Ball, Heber and I got talking of the pot-pourri of nationalities assembled in Utah. Heber waxed unctuously benevolent, and expressed his affection for each succeeding race as fast as mentioned. "I love the Danes dearly! I've got a Danish wife."

So instead of sherry with the soup, they ordered the intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rusticana." With the fish we had the overture to "William Tell." With the entrecôte we had a pot-pourri from "Faust." With the fowl we had "Demon and Tamar," the Russian opera.

Haywood adopted in her next novel a plan that permitted her to include a pot-pourri of short narratives, conversations, letters, reflections, and miscellaneous material without damaging the comprehensive scheme of her story.

A strange sensation crept over me, for I suddenly felt that my brain, dazed by that subtle odour of pot-pourri, was slowly unclouding ever so slowly until, to my amazement, I found myself seated upon a garden chair on a long veranda which overlooked a sloping garden, with the blue-green sunlit sea beyond.

Gliding on from one thing to another, even as their footsteps went, mingling fun and fancy and common-place and flattery in a very agreeable sort of pot-pourri, so they followed down one alley of the shrubbery and up another; winding about and about, but keeping at a distance from other people.

The Frenchman will no longer clog his digestive apparatus with 'pate de foi gras; the rodent will pursue the even tenor of his way in the land of the heathen Chinee, without danger of being converted into a stew; the aged mutton of Merrie England will gambol on the green, with chops intact; the Teuton will forsake his sauerkraut; the benighted heathen his missionary pot-pourri, and the ghosts of slaughtered canines shall cease to haunt the sausage-maker of our own beloved country.