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Incensed at this, the Romans elected Marcus Furius Camillus a seventh time military tribune. The colleagues conjoined with him were the two Postumii Regillenses, Aulus and Lucius, and Lucius Furius, with Lucius Lucretius and Marcus Fabius Ambustus.

In one hundred and twelve years fifteen families gave seventy consuls to the State: the Cornelii, fifteen; the Valerii, ten; the Claudii, four; the Æmilii, nine; the Fabii, six; the Manilii, four; the Postumii, two; the Servilii, three; the Sulpicii, six; and also about the same number the following one hundred and fifty years, thereby showing that old families, whether patrician or plebeian, were long kept in sight, and monopolized political power.

Consuls Consuls Curule aediles of those 388-500 501-581 16 patrician colleges Cornelii 15 15 15 Valerii 10 8 4 Claudii 4 8 2 Aemilii 9 6 2 Fabii 6 6 1 Manlii 4 6 1 Postumii 2 6 2 Servilii 3 4 2 Quinctii 2 3 1 Furii 2 3 Sulpicii 6 4 2 Veturii 2 Papirii 3 1 Nautii 2 Julii 1 1 Foslii 1 70 70 32

The Cornelii furnished thirty consuls in one hundred and ninety-three years, the Valerii eighteen, the Claudii twelve, the Aemilii fifteen, the Fabii twelve, the Manlii ten, the Postumii eight, the Servilii seven, the Sulpicii eight, the Papirii four, to say nothing of other curule offices.