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His moderation prevented any one from grudging him power, while his successes were due to his genius, in which he confessedly surpassed all his countrymen. II. The family of the Furii was not a very illustrious one before Camillus gained glory in the great battle with the Aequi and Volsci, where he served under the dictator Postumius Tubertus.

The house of the Furii was not, at that time, of any considerable distinction; he, by his own acts, first raised himself to honor, serving under Postumius Tubertus, dictator, in the great battle against the Aequians and Volscians.

The consul, after he had repeatedly carried devastation with a hostile army through the whole of the enemy's country, returned to Rome with great glory and booty. The next consuls were Aulus Postumius Albus and Spurius Furius Fusus. Furii is by some writers written Fusii; this I mention, to prevent any one thinking that the change, which is only in the names, is in the persons themselves.

The house of the Furii was not, at that time of any considerable distinction; he, by his own acts, first raised himself to honor, serving under Postumius Tubertus, dictator, in the great battle against the Aequians and Volscians.

Consuls Consuls Curule aediles of those 388-500 501-581 16 patrician colleges Cornelii 15 15 15 Valerii 10 8 4 Claudii 4 8 2 Aemilii 9 6 2 Fabii 6 6 1 Manlii 4 6 1 Postumii 2 6 2 Servilii 3 4 2 Quinctii 2 3 1 Furii 2 3 Sulpicii 6 4 2 Veturii 2 Papirii 3 1 Nautii 2 Julii 1 1 Foslii 1 70 70 32

Furii some writers have written Fusii; this I mention, lest any one may imagine that the change, which is only in the names, may be in the persons themselves. There was no doubt but that one of the consuls would commence hostilities against the Æquans.

There lay the dead, heaps upon heaps, the patrician dress proclaiming the proud lineage of the fallen; Claudii, Fabii, Æmilii, Furii, Cornelii, Sempronii, and a dozen more great gentes were represented scions of the most magnificent oligarchy the world has ever seen. And this was their end! Cæsar passed his hand over his forehead and pressed his fingers upon his eyes.