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'Well, then, she didn't say nothing, if that warn't it, said the guard, doggedly. 'Did she did she leave any directions about luggage or anything? said Mark. 'Brown portmanty to go in the left-luggage room till called for, said the guard. 'Anything else I can do for you, sir; no? Good mornin', then, and thanky, sir!

At last, the bailie, getting no satisfaction how could he? he directed the man's portmanty and bundle to be opened; and in the bottom of the forementioned package, there, to be sure, was found many a mystical and suspicious paper, which no one could read; among others, there was a strange map, as it then seemed to all present.

"I hev got a drap of apple that they say is right good for this region, and a trifle of corn that ain't nothing to brag on, though it does for the country right well." Ware set out the liquor with a bowl of sugar from his sideboard as he spoke, and called to the kitchen for a glass and water. "That makes me think," said Desmit. "Here, you Lorency, bring me that portmanty from the gig."

On the said day, and during my absence, a Frenchman, that could speak no manner of English, somehow was discovered in the Cross-Key inns. What he was, or where he came from, nobody at the time could tell, as I was informed; but there he was, having come into the house at the door, with a bundle in his hand, and a portmanty on his shoulder, like a traveller out of some vehicle of conveyance.

However, married we were, and we hired the Irville chaise, and with Miss Jenny her sister, and Becky Cairns her niece, who sat on a portmanty at our feet, we went on a pleasure jaunt to Glasgow, where we bought a miracle of useful things for the manse, that neither the first Mrs Balwhidder nor me ever thought of; but the second Mrs Balwhidder that was, had a geni for management, and it was extraordinary what she could go through.

Well, I concluded to go, and Philury bandaged up my lim in soft flannel moistened with anarky, and packed various bottles of linement, etc., in my portmanty and Ury took us to the train. Well I will pass over our voyage to Shadow Island, but in the fullness of time we arrove there, and stood in front of the cottage.

Ware," said he unctuously when it had been brought, "allow me, sir, to offer you some brandy which is thirty-five years old pure French brandy, sir. Put it in my portmanty specially for you, and like to have forgot it at the last. Just try it, man."

Oh, whaur are ye, Bawbie?" "Wha i' the earth is he, or what's ado wi' him?" I heard somebody speer. "Gude kens," said anither voice. "It's shurely some milkman wi' the bloo deevils." "Milkman! What wud a milkman do wi' an umberell, a portmanty, an' a lum hat?" Juist at that meenit Sandy cam' fleein' alang the passage again, an' by this time a' the fowk in the hotel were oot on the stairs.