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And he's got portfolios full of plans and pictures coming. It is to be cased with stone, in the Gothic style pretty near like the churches, you know, as far as I can make out; and the ceilings are to be beyond anything that's been seen in the country. Sir Christopher's been giving a deal of study to it. 'Dear heart alive! said Mrs.

He examined them again, with increasing wonder, and then went carefully through the other portfolios. The search was fruitless. The copy of Martin Von Whele's Rembrandt was gone! "What can it mean?" thought Jack. "I distinctly remember putting the canvas back in the biggest portfolio I could swear to that. I have not touched them since. Yet the picture is gone missing stolen. Yes, stolen!

But the dress goods, the ribbons, the gloves, the little clocks, the shoes, the parasols, the breast-pins, the portfolios of pictures, the jewelry, the rugs and table covers, and hundreds of other beautiful and foreign things, were a substantial evidence that Mrs. Cliff's money was not all moonshine. It was very pleasant for Mrs.

Maria Cristina informed her prime minister that her will was to be law in the matter, and that she was unwilling to allow any sort of governmental interference. The marriage now precipitated a national crisis, Sagasta and all the members of his cabinet resigned their portfolios of office, and the queen was left to form a new ministry.

He instituted a hierarchically centralized administration which made the abortive constitution of Mavrokordatos seem sober by comparison; he trampled on the liberty of the rising press, which was the most hopeful educational influence in the country; and he created superfluous ministerial portfolios for his untalented brothers.

This little dispute was terminated by the proposal that Annie having been blindfolded to secure impartial justice, the two portfolios should be placed on the table, and she should choose, not only from which of them our entertainment should be drawn, but the very subject that should furnish it. Mr.

At the same time, and in accordance with formal orders received from Paris, Pius VII was surrounded with the most paltry vexations; henceforth he was deprived in his captivity of all his old servants. The papers and portfolios of the Pope were all seized. "Never mind my purse," said the holy father; "but what will they do with my breviary and the office of the Virgin?"

Both Jon and his mother had felt that if she took his portfolios, unexhibited drawings and unfinished matter, away with her, the work would encounter such icy blasts from Paul Post and other frequenters of her studio, that it would soon be frozen out even of her warm heart.

Among the religious youth of to-day no one is to be found equal to the presentment of Church subjects. "Only one," said Durtal, thinking it over, "gave any hope of such powers, for he stands apart from the rest, and, at any rate, has talent." He rose and went to turn over his portfolios, picking out the lithographs by Charles Dulac.

'Upstairs is his Excellency asleep; Excellency's room is to right, do you remember; or to left' 'Pshaw, we shall find it! The Pandours mount; find a bedroom, break it open, some fifteen or sixteen of them, and one who knows a little French; come crowding forward: to the horror and terror of the poor inhabitant. 'QUE VOULEZ-VOUS DONC? 'His Excellency Valori! 'Well, no violence; I am your prisoner: let me dress! answers the supposed Excellency, and contrives to secrete portfolios, and tear or make away with papers.