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Gentlemen, I appeal to your devotion." And the laborious distribution of the portfolios began again. Count Martin received, in the first place, the Public Works, which he refused, for lack of competency, and afterward the Foreign Affairs, which he accepted without objection. But M. Berthier-d'Eyzelles, to whom Garain offered Commerce and Agriculture, reserved his decision. Loyer got the Colonies.

He generally accompanied some of them on their sketching expeditions to Normandy, Brittany, Spain, or Algiers, and his portfolios were the subject of mingled admiration and anger among his artist friends in St. John's Wood; admiration at the vigor and talent that his sketches displayed, anger that he should be content to do nothing greater.

His servant arranged his dressing-robe, and placed his portfolios and letter-boxes on the table. "What o'clock is it?" said Lumley. "Very early, my lord; only eleven." "The devil! The country air is wonderfully exhausting. I am very sleepy; you may go." "This little girl," said Lumley, stretching himself, "is preternaturally shy. I must neglect her no longer yet it is surely all safe?

There was verification of Tarte's estimate in the job of cabinet-making turned out by Laurier in July. In building the government the lines of least resistance were not followed. A dozen men who deemed themselves sure of cabinet rank found themselves overlooked; five of fifteen portfolios went to men imported from provincial arenas without Dominion parliamentary experience.

The obliging youth scanned the document and said "Which do you wish to see? There are many portfolios. I can bring you one at a time." "Do so, if you please," said the enthusiast. "I should like to examine them all, even if it takes a week." The obliging youth inclined his head and departed. There is a delightful air of leisure and learning about the Print Room, and an entire absence of hustle.

I don't remember in the least what I did, whether I looked at the portfolios of pictures, which for some reason young people think a very poky thing to do, but which I like to do, whether I buttoned some fellow-student who was less at ease than I, or whether I talked to some nice old lady who had seen with her own eyes half the history of the world which is worth knowing.

An attentive observer will, at this day, find in the parlours of old-fashioned inns, and in the portfolios of print-sellers, twenty portraits of Frederic for one of George the Second. The sign-painters were everywhere employed in touching up Admiral Vernon into the King of Prussia.

MELIHOVO, January 11, 1897. We are having a census. They have served out to the numerators detestable inkpots, detestable clumsy badges like the labels of a brewery, and portfolios into which the census forms will not fit giving the effect of a sword that won't go into its sheath. It is a disgrace.

She recalled the details of the previous evening the remote room in Trirodov's house, the small gathering in it, the long discussions, the subsequent labours, the measured knock of the typing-machine, the damp pages put into portfolios. Then she thought how she, Stchemilov, Voronok and some one else walked out into the various streets of the town to paste up the bills.

"Who knows but that to-morrow will bring your night of nights, my friend?" He lapsed immediately into remote abstraction, sitting with chin bent to the tips of his joined fingers, his eyes downcast, motionless. Disgruntled, but afraid to show it, the German cleared away the litter of papers, assorting them into huge portfolios, and took himself off.