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They stirred chile and chocolate in earthen ollas. They cooked frijoles in flat pans; and amidst all these occupations they joked and laughed and chatted with the men. Several men officers, from their style of dress came out of the portale, and, after delivering orders to the guerilleros on guard, returned to the house. Packages of what appeared to be merchandise lay in one corner of the court.

"Christmas is in Guadalaxara," says Mr. Hardy, "a season of great diversion. The ladies and gentlemen walk about, finely dressed, under the portale, and convert it into a fashionable promenade. From seven till ten, there is not perhaps a single family in the whole town which has not taken a few turns in their gayest dresses, to witness the sweetmeat exhibition to see and to be seen.

"Och, be me sowl! we can bate yez at that!" cried Chane, who appeared to be highly amused at the tagarota, making his comments as the dance went on. I was sick of the scene, and watched it no longer. My eyes turned to the portale, and I looked anxiously through the half-drawn curtains. "It is strange I have seen nothing of them! Could they have turned off on some other route? No they must be here.

A portale extended along the front range, and large vases, with shrubs and flowers, ornamented the balustrade. The portale was screened from the sun by curtains of bright-coloured cloth. These were partially drawn, and objects of elegant furniture appeared within.

Expert opinion, so called, may possibly differ as to just what, or what not, cathedrals of France should be included in this term. The French proverb known of all guide-book makers should give a clue as to those which at least may not be left out. "Clocher de Chartres, Nef d'Amiens Choeur de Beauvais et Portale de Reims."