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Updated: August 12, 2024

Gretchen remains in simple amaze that such a fine gentleman as Faust should find anything to admire in her, even after she has received and returned his first kiss; but Marguerite is exalted, transfigured by the new feelings surging within her. Il m'aime! quel trouble en mon coeur! L'oiseau chante! Le vent murmure! Toutes les voix de la nature Semblent me repeter en choeur: Il t'aime!

On n'y voit plus que des ruines, avec quelques habitans. Elle a une montagne au levant et la mer au midi. L'un des ses bains porte le nom d'eau sainte. Plus loin est Vyra, ancien château qu'on a demoli en plusieurs endroits. Un Grec m'a dit que l'église avoit trois cents chanoines. Le choeur en subsiste encore, et les Turcs en ont fait une mosquée.

This independent behavior and the poem on the Construction du Choeur de Notre-Dame de Paris, the subject submitted for competition by the French Academy, did not prevent young Arouet from being sent by his father to Holland in the train of the Marquis of Chateauneuf, then French ambassador to the States General; he committed so many follies that on his return to France, M. Arouet forced him to enter a solicitor's office.

But it's loud. That's the main thing. And the man that plays on it no, not that fellow in the overalls with a wad of greasy waste in his hand. He 's only the engineer. I mean the artist, the man that plays on the keys. Well, he knows what the people want. He has his fingers on the public pulse. Does he give them a Bach fugue, or Guillmant's "Grand Choeur?" 'Deed, he doesn't.

A table un jour, jour de grande richesse, De mes amis les voix brillaient en choeur, Quand jusqu'ici monte un cri d'allegresse: A Marengo Bonaparte est vainqueur. Le canon gronde; un autre chant commence; Nous celebrons tant de faits eclatans. Les rois jamais n'envahiront la France. Dans un grenier qu'on est bien a vingt ans! Quittons ce toit ou ma raison s'enivre.

Expert opinion, so called, may possibly differ as to just what, or what not, cathedrals of France should be included in this term. The French proverb known of all guide-book makers should give a clue as to those which at least may not be left out. "Clocher de Chartres, Nef d'Amiens Choeur de Beauvais et Portale de Reims."

But the pen almost drops from her hand, and the high cold words have no meaning for her, and her true children are those others, among whom, in her rude home, the intolerable honour came to her, with that look of wistful inquiry on their irregular faces which you see in startled animals gipsy children, such as those who, in Apennine villages, still hold out their long brown arms to beg of you, but on Sundays become enfants du choeur, with their thick black hair nicely combed, and fair white linen on their sunburnt throats.

But, instead of recording these horrors, I will fill up my paper with the Choeur Bearnais. The situation of the King gives a peculiar interest to these stanzas, which, merely as a poetical composition, are very beautiful. I have often attempted to translate them, but have always found it impossible to preserve the effect and simplicity of the original.

It was carried by two "enfants de choeur," preceded by the beadle with his cocked hat and staff and followed by two small girls with lighted tapers. The "enfants de choeur" were not in their festal attire of red soutanes and red shoes only in plain black.

Soon we heard the sound of the chaunt, and the procession wound slowly up the steep, straggling village street. A banner and cross carried by the boys and girls then the curé, with his "ostensoir," followed by his "enfants de choeur" carrying books and tapers, then the congregation. There were a great many people already in the cemetery.

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