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'Strange story of high life' you felt fairly high on that pedestal, did you not? Then a sub-title, 'Glimpse of a singular menage. He's a foul feeder, is Mr. Malone, a carrion eater, like all of his kind porcus ex grege diaboli a swine from the devil's herd. That's it, Malone what?" "You are really intolerable!" said I, hotly. He bellowed with laughter.

Atticus applied himself to the practices of the Epicurean school, and did in truth become "Epicuri de grege porcus."

A stunsail boom had been rigged out over the caisson, and rendered extremely fit for pedestrianism by plentiful libations of slush and soft soap. At the extreme end a basket containing, in the words of the programme, "a little pig" was slung. About thirty men stood to the front, as would-be possessors of "porcus."

This has by no means been my case. My genius often deserted me. I was far from having the thought, the argument, or the illustration at all times ready, when it was required. I resembled to a certain degree the persons we read of, who are said to be struck as if with a divine judgment. I was for a moment changed into one of the mere herd, de grege porcus.

In this way we possess evidence of the development of pastoral life at that remote epoch in the unalterably fixed names of domestic animals; the Sanscrit -gaus- is the Latin -bos-, the Greek bous ; Sanscrit -avis- is the Latin -ovis-, Greek ois ; Sanscrit -asvas-, Latin -equus-, Greek ippos ; Sanscrit -hansas-, Latin -anser-, Greek chein ; Sanscrit -atis-, Latin -anas-, Greek neissa ; in like manner -pecus-, -sus-, -porcus-, -taurus-, -canis-, are Sanscrit words.

Who that believed in such a Universe, and did not design to live like a Papin's-Digester, or PORCUS EPICURI, in an extremely ugly manner in it, could avoid one of two things: Going rapidly into Bedlam, or else blowing his brains out? "It will not do for me at any rate, this infinite Dog-house; not for me, ye Dryasdusts, and omnipotent Dog-monsters and Mud-gods, whoever you are.

In this way we possess evidence of the development of pastoral life at that remote epoch in the unalterably fixed names of domestic animals; the Sanscrit -gaus- is the Latin -bos-, the Greek bous ; Sanscrit -avis- is the Latin -ovis-, Greek ois ; Sanscrit -asvas-, Latin -equus-, Greek ippos ; Sanscrit -hansas-, Latin -anser-, Greek chein ; Sanscrit -atis-, Latin -anas-, Greek neissa ; in like manner -pecus-, -sus-, -porcus-, -taurus-, -canis-, are Sanscrit words.

But in later years the Dutch carried the same word, eland, to South Africa, and there gave it to the largest of the tribe of antelopes, in which sense it is used by zoologists to-day. Porcupine has arisen from two Latin words, porcus, a hog, and spina, a spine; hence, appropriately, a spiny-hog. Buffalo may once have been some native African name.

'EPICURI DE GREGE PORCUS, I assented, and the fate of the black sow was sealed. Next day an express came from Holkham, to say that Lady Leicester had given birth to a daughter. My tutor jumped out of his chair to hand me the note. 'Did I not anticipate the event'? he cried. 'What a wonderful world we live in!

Their children, too, were distinguished by the names of Suillii, Bubulci, Caprarii and Porcii, for capra means a goat, and porcus a pig. XII. Though Poplicola favoured the people so much in these laws, and showed such great moderation, yet in one instance he appointed a terrible penalty.