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When I had removed his garmints, I did what it's the duty of every servant to do I emtied his pockits, and looked at his pockit-book and all his letters: a number of axdents have been prevented that way. I found there, among a heap of things, the following pretty dockyment THOMAS SMITH DAWKINS. Friday, 16th January. There was another bit of paper of the same kind "I. 0.

He tole me positively he was a lawyer from Chicago, an' had an office in the Y.M.C.A. Building. An' the idee of him tellin' me he wanted to see if my pockit-book had better leather in it than hisn!" The fact that the school children, big and little, loved Miss Banks possessed no point of influence over their elders of the feminine persuasion.

The old noblemin grin'd, and pattid me on the shoulder. "Right, my lad," says he, "right you're a nice promising youth. Here is the best security." And he pulls out his pockit-book, returns the hundred-pun bill, and takes out one for fifty. "Here is half to-day; to-morrow you shall have the remainder."

He resolved not to answer the Chicago letter until he was quite ready to produce the girl and the proof desired. "I'd be a gol-swiggled fool to put 'em onter my s'picions an' then have 'em cheat me out of the reward," he reflected keenly. "You cain't trust them Chicago lawyers an inch an' a half. Doggone it, I'll never fergit that feller who got my pockit-book out to Central Park that time.