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Little we thought iv these devoted men, as Hogan says, with achin' heads, plannin' to sind three hundherd thousand millyon men an' a carload iv beans to their fate at Tampa, Fla. But some wan must be sacrificed, as Hogan says.

"They'll be surprised some, and disappointed some," said Lem, cheerily; "they was kind of plannin' a little celebration when you come back, Will you and Cynthy. Amandy Hatch was a-goin' to bake a cake, and the minister was callatin' to say some word of welcome. Wahn't goin' to be anything grand jest homelike. But you was right to come if you was tuckered. I guess Cynthy fetched you.

"There's a gang of big men in Frisco, an' in the East, figurin' to run a railroad through the basin. A year or so ago there was secret talk of it in the capital. It leaked out that the railroad guys was intendin' to run their road through the basin. They was goin' to build a town right where the Rancho Seco lays; an' they was plannin' to irrigate a lot of the land around there.

Some one round here was managin' the game, for pay. But't wasn't no Arizona head that did the plannin'. Any Rocky Mountain roughneck mean enough for that would 'a' just killed you once and been done with it. No, sir; this party was plumb civilized this guy that wanted your goat. He wanted to spoil your rep; he probably had conscientious scruples about bloodshed. Early trainin'," said Mr.

"He wouldn't have done it." "Oh, yes, he'd 'a' done it. He'd 'a' squirmed and twisted some, but he'd 'a' done it. He'd 'a' had to!" The artist laughed out happily. "Well, now you can do as you like. We'll have the best boat there is going." Uncle William nodded. "I knew you'd want to. I've been kind o' plannin' for it. We'll go down to-morrow or next day and see about it."

I hope he gets that chance pretty soon, because well, there's a rumor goin' round that Loveland is plannin' to swap his car for a bigger and faster one. If he does . . ." "If he does," interrupted Captain Sol, "I hope you'll fix the next race for over here. I'd like to see you go by, Barzilla." "Guess you'd have to look quick to see him," laughed Stitt. "Speakin' about automobiles "

Gettin' t' be a big bug, Von Gerhard is. Sorry he's goin', though. I was plannin' t' consult him just before I go on my vacation. But some other guy'll do. He don't approve of me, Von Gerhard don't." For some reason which I could never explain I went back into the room and held out both my hands to Blackie. His nervous brown fingers closed over them.

Aunt Hitty always said of this catastrophe, "If I'd 'a' ben Mis' Potter, I'd 'a' ben so mortified I believe I'd 'a' said, 'I wa'n't plannin' to be buried, but now I'm in here I declare I'll stop!" Old Mrs. Butterfield's funeral was not only voted an entire success by the villagers, but the seal of professional approval was set upon it by an undertaker from Saco, who declared that Mrs.

Jellup's hand was on Domingo's arm holding him back from further attack on the helpless boys and the marshal was restraining his anger as a snake withholds its venom until it strikes. "Purty good," sneered the marshal, "and the funny thing is ye hain't got a bullet through ye fur it. But my business ain't with dead ones. Onct more, air ye goin' to say what ye'r a plannin' to do?"

"Say!" said he suddenly, "ef Buck was to come back would you let him live down to your place an' help do all them things you're plannin'?" "I surely would," said Michael happily. "Say, Sam, do you, or do you not know where Buck is?" Sam sat thoughtfully looking out of the window. At this point he turned his gaze down to his feet and slowly, cautiously nodded his head.