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Ye can't see one without the other and they've got their little tricks and signals by which they follow each other. T'other day when you was kalkilatin' Li Tee was doin' your errands I tracked him out on the marsh, just by followin' that ornery, pizenous dog o' Jim's.

"'I am heartily in sympathy with th' sinitor fr'm Louisyanny, says th' sinitor fr'm Virginya. 'I loathe th' tariff. Fr'm me arliest days I was brought up to look on it with pizenous hathred. At manny a con-vintion ye cud hear me whoopin' again it. But if there is such a lot iv this monsthrous iniquity passin' around, don't Virginya get none? How about th' mother iv prisidents?

An' I guess when James gits around ag'in you'll likely pay a mighty fine reck'nin'. An' I'll sure say I won't be a heap sorry neither. You've give me a power o' trouble comin' along out here. I ain't had no sort o' rest fer hours an' hours, an' I hate folks that sets me busy." "You're a pizenous varmint, sure," added Sandy, feeling that Sunny must not be allowed all the talk.

Wanst people were cured iv fatal maladies be applications iv blind puppies, hair fr'm the skulls iv dead men an' solutions iv bat's wings, just as now they're cured be dhrinkin' a tayspoonful iv a very ordhinary article iv booze that's had some kind iv a pizenous weed dissolved in it. "Dhrugs, says Dock O'Leary, are a little iv a pizen that a little more iv wud kill ye.

"If youse see a blue gummed negro be shore one don bite you foh dey are shore pizenous. "If youse have yer year to ring, sho sing of death. "Move on Friday, "Good Lawd No", youse would sho have bad luck. "One tru sign of death, if a dog howls at midnight, you will sho to die.

Why, your hull country is chuckfull of pizenous remedies. When I was a-coasting along Yankeedom and went ashore, I found all the rocks along the road were jist kivered with quack-medicine notices, and all the farmers hired out the outsides of their barns to advertise doctor's stuff on." In no portion of America do the people seem to feel the burden of earning a livelihood more lightly.

For this reason, and because the little cabin, surrounded by dense pines and covered with vines which the popular belief held "pizenous," was the most desolate abode a human being could have selected, most of the dwellers in that section gave the place a wide berth, especially toward nightfall, and Ole 'Stracted would probably have suffered but for the charity of Ephraim and his wife, who, although often wanting the necessaries of life themselves, had long divided it with their strange neighbor.

She dropped her hands at her sides with a little gesture of despair. "He never done it, but mother'll always think so. She does hate him so so pizenous." There was a sound of approaching footsteps, and the girl scrambled to her feet. It was not Lysander coming at that businesslike pace.

"I reckon ef the old fool McKinstry don't shoot him in his tracks thar'll be white men enough in Injin Springs to ride this high-toned, pizenous hypocrit on a rail outer the settlement!" "That's so!" said Uncle Ben musingly, after a thoughtful pause, in which he still seemed to be more occupied with the broken desk than his companion's remark.

'Look here, says he, 'ye pizenous riptile, he says, 'if ye don't lave me counthryman out iv th' bull-pen in fifteen minyits be th' watch, he says, 'I'll take ye be th' hair iv th' head an' pull ye fr'm th' corner iv Halsted Sthreet to th' r-red bridge, he says. 'Lave us debate this, says Blanco. 'I'll debate nawthin', says Fitz. 'Hurry up, or I'll give ye a slap, he says.