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But it seemed these beer busts were a diversion of these high-spirited young fellows whereby they whiled away the tedium of existence by making fools of their betters. As I learned afterward, they had got their previous guest of honour, a brilliant young radical, unskilled in drinking, quite pipped. When I found myself with them, and the situation dawned on me, up rose my queer man-pride.

About sixty to one against is the way I should figure it, if I were making a book. It may be just because I'm feeling a bit pipped this morning got turfed out of bed at seven o'clock and all that but I have an idea that she may give both of them the old razz. May be wrong, of course." "Let us hope that you are, my boy," said Uncle Chris gravely.

They ain't nothing in the world the matter with her 'cept as bad a case of young-mother skeer as I have ever had before amongst all my hens. Don't you see, Tom, two of her setting have pipped they shells and the cheepings of the little things have skeered the poor young thing 'most to death. Old Dominick have took in the case and is trying her chicken-sister best to comfort her.

Ye-es an autumn, rose-petal, whirling, dead-leaf sound." "Good! Pipped. Shut up, Ossy don't snore!" "Ah, poor old dog! Let him. Shuffle for me, please. Oh! there goes another card!" Her knee was touching his !... The book had dropped Summerhay started. Dash it! Hopeless! And, turning round in that huge armchair, he snoozed down into its depths. In a few minutes, he was asleep.

To be sure, his egg-world was filled with nourishment that he had taken into his body and had used in growing; but he had never done anything with his beak except to knock with the knob at the end of it against the shell when he pipped his way out. What a handy little knob that had been just right for tapping. But, now that there was no hard wall about him to break, what should he use it for?

"I say," croaked a voice from another cot, its owner was a young officer who must just have escaped being left behind at a Base hospital as too dangerously wounded to move, "is that a newspaper down there? Would some one have a look, and tell me if we have got Longueval all right? Longueval? Long I got pipped, and don't quite " The wounded major turned his head quickly.

What had really smashed them up had been a perfectly common-place affair at Monte Carlo an affair with a cosmopolitan harpy who passed for the mistress of a Russian Grand Duke. She exacted a twenty thousand pound pearl tiara from him as the price of her favours for a week or so. It would have pipped him a good deal to have found so much, and he was not in the ordinary way a gambler.

"You do do some damn funny things, Quinny!" said Gilbert, going to the sideboard and getting out the whisky. "Here, have a drop of this stuff. You look completely pipped!" "I don't think I should make a habit of knight-errantry, if I were you," said Roger. "Not in slums at all events!" "Has Ninian come back yet?" Henry asked, sipping the whisky. "He's gone to bed.

They're always fighting. Heave a stone at them, laddie, while you're up. What's the matter with you? You seem pipped. Can't get the novel off your chest, or what? You take my tip and give your brain a rest. Nothing like manual labour for clearing the brain. All the doctors say so. Those coops ought to be painted to-day or to-morrow.

'Yes, Johnny muttered, staring down at the bed, his hands in his pockets. 'Yesterday, of course. Rotten bad luck, poor old chap. Rotten way to get pipped. For a minute longer I kept my vigil beside that inanimate form. 'Peace, peace, he is not dead, I repeated to myself. 'He sleeps whom men call dead.... The soul of Adonais, like a star, beckons from the abode where the eternal are.