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Colonel Joseph, brother of the First Consul, General Soult, who was afterwards Marshal, Generals Saint-Hilaire and Andre Ossy, and a few other great personages, were at her feet; though two alone, it is said, succeeded in gaining her affections, and of those two, one was Colonel Joseph, who soon had the reputation of being the preferred lover of Madame F . The beautiful lady from Dunkirk often gave soirees, at which Colonel Joseph never failed to be present.

Colonel Joseph, brother of the First Consul, General Soult, who was afterwards Marshal, Generals Saint-Hilaire and Andre Ossy, and a few other great personages, were at her feet; though two alone, it is said, succeeded in gaining her affections, and of those two, one was Colonel Joseph, who soon had the reputation of being the preferred lover of Madame F . The beautiful lady from Dunkirk often gave soirees, at which Colonel Joseph never failed to be present.

If that's his purpose," he continued, without waiting for a reply, "we shall have no peace so long as he remains alive. We must either kill him, or he will do as much for us." "Sahibs," observed the Hindoo, with a significant shake of the head, "we no able killee him; that elephan' he nebba die." "Oh, nonsense, Ossy!

"Well, certainly there is some living creature in there, since we have seen it move; and if it be a bird as large as a goose, will you explain to me how it got in, and how it means to get out? There must be a larger entrance on the other side of the tree." "No, sahib," confidently asserted Ossaroo; "that you see before your eye that the only way to de horneebill nest." "Hurrah for you, Ossy!

"Amanda! come, dear," said Miss Drake. "How kind of Dr. Faber to bring you home! I'm afraid you've been a naughty child again running out into the street." "Such a g'eat 'ide!" cried Amanda, heedless of reproof. "A yeal 'ossy big! big!" She spread her arms wide, in indication of the vastness of the upbearing body whereon she sat.

So you mean to say that a bird as large as a goose can go in and out by that hole? Why, a sparrow could scarcely squeeze itself through there!" "Horneebill he no goee in, he no goee out. He stay inside till him little chickees ready for leavee nest." "Come, Ossy!" said Caspar, in a bantering way; "that story is too good to be true. You don't expect us to believe all that?

A simple shadow would not have made such a commotion as that? "Sahibs!" said Ossaroo, in a tone of mysterious gravity, "he be one ob two ting. He eider be de god Brahma, or " "Or what?" demanded Caspar. "An ole rogue." "An old rogue?" said Caspar, repeating the words of the shikaree. "What do you mean by that, Ossy?" "What you Feringhee, sahib, call rogue elephant."

Gyp noted a tall woman whose blonde hair was going grey, a young girl with a fox-terrier on a lead, a young man with a Scotch terrier under his arm and his back to the carriage. The girl was kissing the Scotch terrier's head. "Good-bye, old Ossy! Was he nice! Tumbo, keep DOWN! YOU'RE not going!" "Good-bye, dear boy! Don't work too hard!"

Tell Betty I may be back to-night, or perhaps I may not. Give me a good kiss." Little Gyp gave the good kiss, and said: "Let me see you put your hat on, Mum." While Gyp was putting on hat and furs, she thought: "I shan't take a bag; I can always make shift at Bury Street if " She did not finish the thought, but the blood came up in her cheeks. "Take care of Ossy, darling!"

"Does you hear anyone in the bushes, dear?" inquires Mr. Spiegelnail, cocking his ears and listening. "It must be Ossy Dinkle and them bad friends of his," says she, in her sour tone. Poor Robert! Hearing that, he about gave up hope. "Don't I show up good?" he asks in an anxious voice. "I can see you distinct," says I, very sharp. "You never looked better."