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There were ten of them rugged-looking fellows of various ages, bepistoled, begrimed with dust, and articulate with profane expressions of delight. "Hell's a-poppin', Red says!" yelled one. "He says there's geezers here which is pinin' for yore gore. Turn me loose on 'em oh, turn me loose!"

The fellers say Noo York's kinder got your goat, and you're sheddin' your feathers in these lonesome wilds, pinin' after the theayters and swell doin's in the Waldorf-Astoria. But I tell 'em 'nope, that ain't Nick Hilliard. He's true-blue to the Golden West." "Right you are," said Nick.

"Say, Jonathan, you certainly have a wonderful gift for interpretin' Scripture." "Well, Scripture or no Scripture, I want you, Hepsey." "Am I to understand that you're just fadin' and pinin' away for love of me? You don't look thin." "Oh, we 'aint neither of us as young as we once was, Hepsey. Of course I can't be expected to pine real hard."

"I understand. You don't want to die with 'em on. But I wouldn't give him any of the advantage." "No, Laz, fur the man that gives the mad dog any of the advantage is almost shore to git bit. An' I don't want Jim to know any mo' about this comin' trouble than he kin help." "I reckon not, Jasper. It's sorter noised about that he's a pinin' for the lady from off yander."

"Ye see, Gaffer," pursued Amos, "if you didn't bring Jarge back wi' you w'ich you said you would the question we axes is wheer be Jarge?" "Ah! wheer?" nodded Job gloomily. Here the Ancient was evidently at a loss, to cover which, he took a vast pinch of snuff. "'Ow be we to know as 'e bean't pinin' away in a dungeon cell wi' irons on 'is legs, an' strapped in a straitjacket an "

Henry done good wuk all de summer, but sence de fall set in he 'pears ter be sorter pinin' away. Dey ain' nuffin pertickler de matter wid 'im leastways de doctor say so 'cep'n' a tech er de rheumatiz; but his ha'r is all fell out, en ef he don't pick up his strenk mighty soon, I spec' I'm gwine ter lose 'im.

"Miss Hetty a pinin'!" she repeated over and over with bursts of merriment: "Ah, but yez are all alike, ye men. Miss Hetty a pinin'! I 'd like to see the man Miss Hetty wud pine fur." Mike and Norah were both right.

"I'll lick him with one hand tied and the other paralyzed," retorted Captain Scraggs with fine nonchalance. "No need o' waitin' on my account. Heat or no heat, I'm just naturally pinin' to beat up the royal person." "If this ain't the best idea I ever heard of, I'm a Dutchman," replied McGuffey. "A happy combination of business and pleasure. Who fights first, Gib? You or Scraggs?"

I'm shore pinin' away onder these yere malign inflooences, when my old gent notes I ain't recooperatin', an' so he guesses the cause; an' with that he gives Aunt Tilly a lay-off, an' tells her to send along her niece Polly to take her place, "'Thar's a encouragin' difference.

Yes, Providunce sent me here," continued the Cap'n, poking down his tobacco with broad thumb. "There I was, swashin' from Hackenny to t'other place, livin' on lobscouse and hoss-meat; and here you was, pinin' away for some one to love you and to talk to you about something sensibler than dropped stitches and croshayed lamp-mats.