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If Auntie and Old Hickory was pinin' for thrills, it looked like they was due to get their wish. Just what would happen in case the Agnes was run down nobody seemed to know. The only thing our two old sports was interested in just then was this free-for-all race. Anyway, we had a fine evenin' for it.

"No oh no!" and Meg's eyes grew thoughtful. "She got through her trouble all right, but 'twas about a year or eighteen months arterwards that she took to pinin' like, an' droopin' down just like the poppies droops in the corn when the sun's too fierce upon 'em.

When Nate kicked him the first time, he chased him the whole length of the barn. After that they had to keep him chained up. He was just pinin' for a chance to swaller Scudder whole, and he showed it. "Well, as time went on, Olivia and Augustus got chummier and chummier.

She rattled busily along to carry the impress of welcome, for the old man had not responded to her as his wife had done. "Well, now," said candid Nathan, "you don't exactly give one th' impression of pinin' t' see folks when you never come over at all."

Here's his outfit layin' around, bitin' their finger nails with ongwee an' pinin' away to slivers yearnin' to get into the big meal-lee, an' him racin' an' tearin' around the country fightin' it out by his lonesome. I call it rank selfishness!" "He sure ought to have give us a chancst to claw the hair outen that damned Corrigan feller!" complained Weaver.

Dave's sperits begins to sink; he takes to droopin' about listless an' onregyardful; an' he's that low an' onhappy his nosepaint don't bring him no more of comfort than if he's a graven image. Why, it's the saddest thing I ever sees in Wolfville! "We-all observes how Dave's dwindlin' an' pinin' an' most of us has a foggy onderstandin' of the trooth. But what can we do?

Maybe we didn't want any music; and then, again, maybe we was just sick and pinin' for it, and didn't know it." She looked at him intently as he bent his head, his face troubled. "Listen," said he, at length, "I'll tell you all about it. Up at Vegas I heard a funny sort of singin' machine. It had voices in it. Ma'am, it had a Voice in it. It it sung " he choked now. "And some of the songs?"

"So it was your doing!" she said. "No, it wasn't!" he declared. "I swear it wasn't! I'm not such a fool as that. But see here, Sylvia! Where's the use of holdin' out any longer? You know I want you, and there's no sense in goin' on pinin' for a fellow in South Africa who's probably married a dozen blacks already. It isn't like you to cry for the moon. Put up with me instead!

"Boys," he said at last, one night, when the smith and Bone had called to see the tiny man, who had sadly gone to sleep "boys, he's pinin'. He's goin' to die if he don't have little kids for company. I've made up my mind. I'm goin' to take him to Fremont right away."

Peggy called for a bridle, which Shelby himself brought, saying as he slipped the light snaffle into Shashai's sensitive mouth and the headstall over his ears: "So you've bruck trainin', Miss Peggy, an' are a-going for a real old-time warm-up? Well, I reckon it's about time, an' the best thing you can do, for you look sort o' pinin' an' down-in-the-mouth.