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Riquier or Corbie, archbishops of Lyons, and bishops of Orleans. They had all assumed, in the school itself, names illustrious in pagan antiquity; Alcuin called himself Flaeens; Angilbert, Homer; Theodulph, Pindar.

The critics censured, not unjustly, the "machinery" of the story, these mysterious "assets" of Osbaldistone and Tresham, whose absence was to precipitate the Rising of 1715. But it pronounces that "a king with legs of marble, or a youth with an ivory shoulder," heroes of the "Arabian Nights" and of Pindar, was probable, compared with the wit and accomplishments of Diana. This is hypercriticism.

Hither favored heroes pass without dying and live happy under the rule of Rhadamanthus. The Elysium of Hesiod and Pindar is in the Isles of the Blessed, or Fortunate Islands, in the Western Ocean. From these sprang the legend of the happy island Atlantis.

George may have been foolish, but he isn't as foolish as that! MINNIE. He doesn't care about me. AUGUSTA. I'm glad you realize it. But you mean to stay here in Foxon Falls, nevertheless. You take advantage of Dr. Pindar, who is easily imposed upon, as his father was before him. But if I told you that you might harm Dr.

Plotinus, says Emerson, 'believes only in philosophers; Fénélon, in saints; Pindar and Byron, in poets. Read the haughty language in which Plato and the Platonists speak of all men who are not devoted to their own shining abstractions. If genius is liable to such one-sidedness, the greater the need of educational correctives to common-place minds.

From Pall Mall Cosway moved to a larger mansion at the south-west corner of Stratford Place, Oxford Street. A carved stone lion stood on guard at the entrance a fact which incited some wag to affix to the door the following lines, generally attributed to Peter Pindar: 'When a man to a fair for a show brings a lion, 'Tis usual a monkey the sign-post to tie on.

Here having at first revived a little, he soon relapsed, and declining gradually, expired in the eighty-first year of his age, without apparent suffering, in the possession of his intellectual powers, and, according to the tender wish of Pindar for one of his patrons in the midst of his children.

The ostensible reason for introducing the story is that Kyrene had been colonised from the island of Thera by the descendants of the Argonaut Euphemos, according to the prophecy of Medea related at the beginning of the ode. But Pindar had another reason.

DR. JONATHAN. I see. MINNIE. Oh, I never let him know. I don't know why I told you I had to tell somebody, and you won't give me away. DR. JONATHAN. You may count on me. MINNIE. He didn't care nothing about me, really. But you can't help liking George. He's human, all right! If he was boss of the Pindar Shops there wouldn't be any strike. I wonder who's butting in now! Is the doctor in?

We gather from the first strophe that Pindar was engaged at the time to write an ode in honour of the Delian Apollo to be sung at Keos, but that he put this off in order first to write the present ode in honour of a victory won for his own native state of Thebes. O mother, Thebe of the golden shield, thy service will I set even above the matter that was in my hand.