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Then shall we descend to the beach again, and get into a boat, and lie down, and find ourselves shot into the Blue Grotto find ourselves floating between heaven and earth in a hollow-sounding globe of azure flame?... Dreams dreams! "Io te voglio bene assaje, e tu non pienz' a me!" During the first period of Miss Burgoyne's engagement to Lionel Moore, all went well.

"La notta tutte dormeno, E io che buò dormire! Pensanno a Nenna mia Mme sent' ascevolì. Li quarte d' ora sonano A uno, a doje e tre... Io te voglio bene assaje, E tu non pienz' a me!" Look, now, at this beautiful morning the wide bay all of silver and azure Vesuvius sending its column of dusky smoke into the cloudless sky the little steamer churning up the clear as it starts away from the quay.

The Nina whom he had always known was a light-hearted and laughing companion, eagerly talkative, a smile on her parted lips, affection, kindliness ever present in her shining, soft, dark eyes. Sometimes silent, too; sometimes, again, singing a fragment of one of the old familiar folk-songs of her youth. What was that one with the refrain, "Io te voglio bene assaje, e tu non pienz' a me"?

"Io ti voglio bene assaje E tu non pienz' a me!" Just after nightfall he alighted from the train at Pompeii. Having stowed away certain impedimenta at the station, he took his travelling-bag in his hand, broke with small ceremony through porters and hotel-touts, came forth upon the high-road, and stepped forward like one to whom the locality is familiar.