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He sat with his back to the absorbed party beneath the window, and apologized with exaggerated politeness when his chair touched that of the Italian girl, though his accent, needless to say, was redolent of the East side. "They do not come, then?" he heard Vassilan say impatiently. "P'raps notta to-night," said the girl, "but you sure meet-a dem here, mebbe to-morrow, mebbe de nex' day."

Say, wasn't Arch killing to-night when he called my cheeks naturally curly?" "You look grand, Cora. Sure you don't want your pink beads?" "I'll throw 'em down and step on 'em if you take 'em off." "I just love that changeable silk on you." "Does the split under the arm show?" "Notta bit." "Come on, then!" "Oh, Cora " "Come on!"

"If I can get your money back for you will you stay on here till the busy season is over?" "Sure," Enrico cried; "sure. I notta geevadam how long I stay, you getta my mon', Mr. Perlmutt. I stay here one, two, t'ree years." "All right," Morris said; "put on your coat and go back to Mulberry Street. Your banker will of opened up again by the time you get there."

The night was full of moonshine; it danced upon the water; it fired the filigree tops of the solemn cypress; it laced the lawn with quivering shadows; and heavy hung the cloying perfume of the box-wood hedges. "O bellissima notta!" she sang. "Is it not glorious?" "Nora," said Abbott, leaning suddenly toward her. "Don't say it. Donald; please don't. Don't waste your love on me.

"Well, that's the way it goes, Mawruss," he said bitterly, as Enrico walked toward them from the cutting room. "Mr. Potash," he said, "ascuse me, you geev-a me now leetla time for going downtown just for same like I tell-a you dis morning?" "Go ahead, Henry," Morris replied. "You notta mad at me, Mr. Perlmutter?" Enrico asked anxiously. "Why should I got to be mad at you, Henry?" Morris rejoined.

"Well, th' way he must be poundin' his ear now notta hear dis racket yud think he was trainin' for a Rip van Winkle Marathon." Pause made audible by the pertinacious bell, grinding away like a dentist's drill in a vacant tooth.... "Waitin' here all day won't get me nothin'. Here, what's th' matta wid you signin' for't?" "G'wan. Sign it yourself 'nd stick unda the door, whydoncha?"

Legg reports a confirmatory case, but of six cases mentioned by Notta two were caused by a blow on the crown of the head, and two on the right ear.

"La notta tutte dormeno, E io che buò dormire! Pensanno a Nenna mia Mme sent' ascevolì. Li quarte d' ora sonano A uno, a doje e tre... Io te voglio bene assaje, E tu non pienz' a me!" Look, now, at this beautiful morning the wide bay all of silver and azure Vesuvius sending its column of dusky smoke into the cloudless sky the little steamer churning up the clear as it starts away from the quay.

I won't leave a copper rivet in 'er, notta co'er rivet, dyhear?" he shouted, his face purple with unnecessary rage. Wilbur returned to the schooner with the two Chinamen, leaving Kitchell alone on the bark. He found the girl sitting by the rudderhead almost as he had left her, looking about her with vague, unseeing eyes. "You name is Moran, isn't it?" he asked. "Moran Sternersen."