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Here they steadied, memories rising photographically distinct like a series of pictures, detached yet revealing an underlying thread of connection: First it was his youth in the Southwest when he had been Tom Michaels, a miner, well paid, saving his wages.

But my memory of what we said and did, which is so photographically clear of these earlier passages that I believe I can answer for every gesture and nearly every word that I have set down, becomes suddenly turbid. The high tension of our first confrontation was giving place to a flood of emotional impulse.

Your uncle had a whangee with him, and the episode remains photographically lined on the tablets of my mind when a yesterday has faded from its page. My friends sometimes wonder what I mean when I say that my old wound troubles me in frosty weather. By the way, how is your uncle?" "Oh, he's very well. Just as lazy as ever. He's away at present, down at Brighton."

Then I knew I should have to rob the safe, and somehow I hated that part more than anything else. I did it just ten minutes before Rex and Polly called for me to motor down here. It had seemed the most horrible thing in the world to be a gambler, but it was worse to be a thief. "I remembered the combination perfectly. I have that sort of memory: it registers photographically.

We should be able to receive ideas of this order without incredulity since the advent of "dark" photography and the ultra-violet microscope. By aid of the latter, photographs are taken in absolute darkness, the lenses used being transparent to light rays invisible to the eye, but active photographically.

Thus they took on the distinction of being a squad detached only photographically from the rank and file of the white armies of the young in the New World, millions and millions strong, as they march, clear-eyed, clear-headed, joyous, magnificent, toward new times and new destinies for the nation and for humanity a kinder knowledge of man and a kinder ignorance of God.

Something more will be said presently as to the import of this discovery. Bright hydrogen lines have so far been detected for the most part photographically at Harvard College in about sixty stars, including Pleione, the surmised lost Pleiad, P Cygni, noted for instability of light in the seventeenth century, and the extraordinary southern variable, Eta Carinæ.

Barnard has similarly found great tracts of the Milky Way to be photographically nebulous, and the conclusion seems inevitable that we see in it a prodigious mixed system, resembling that of the Pleiades in point of composition, though differing widely from it in plan of structure.

In many cases such impersonations have been so nearly photographically and phonographically correct that they have afforded the most convincing proof to investigators, and in other cases have been a great consolation to relatives of the spirit who have been thus assured that their loved one was still in actual existence on a higher plane of being.

He assumed with that rapidity with which an angry mind makes decisions, that Graemer was proceeding to Montrose Place for more of the damnably clever "local color" with which he was wont to dress his plays; that not content with having dramatized Hamilt's youthful woes to the orchestra circle he wanted to reproduce the whole thing photographically.