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"Youse plants de pertatoes by de moon. Irish pertatoes planted on de light of de moon will go ter vine and der neber will be a tater on de vine. If youse plant dem by de dark of de moon yourall's pertatoes will be plentiful. "If youse maks soap it must be made by de light of de moon or de soap will all turn to grease. "If youse sneeze wen you eats you will shorely die.

"Pertatoes," she fortunately shrieked. "All right," said Pip, and she was spared a second shot. "I'm thankful to get through safe, and now I have not to pay, after all that risk?" "Certainly, madam," politely replied Charlie, the treasurer, who now met her. "I'll take your ticket and punch it." Having punched her ticket, he retired. Aunt Stanshy looked about the chamber.

"Sometime de moon affects people wen it changes hit makes some folks crazy en dey is hard to git alon wid." "If you plant Irish pertatoes on de light of de moon you hev nuthin but top. Whatever ter be made underneath de ground like turnips, potatoes, onions is ter be planted by de dark of de moon. Beans, peas, corn in de light of de moon.

Well, 'tis what I was never brought up to! With our family 'twas never less than 'taters, and very often 'pertatoes' outright; mother was so particular and nice with us girls there was no family in the parish that kept them selves up more than we." The hour of parting came. Fancy could not remain for the night, because she had engaged a woman to wait up for her.

Now if you plant pertatoes by de dark of de moon you will always hev good crops en if you plant dem on de light of de moon den you hes all vine. Corn planted on de light de moon den you has a good crop. I'se knows cause I ken member fore de niggers wore freed you could jes plant by de moon and plant anything in God's ground en by de moon en de crops would grow.

Trapes indignantly. "Mr. Geoffrey, it's been Arthur ever since he was born, an' her scrinchin' an' pinchin' herself for the sake o' that b'y. O' course he likes sparrergrass so do I but I make shift with pertatoes or cabbidge or carrots an' so should he. Come now, Hermy, you take a bunch o' carrots instead; carrots is healthy an' cheap! Come now, is that sparrergrass to be carrots or not?"

Somehow this suggestion appealed to Perk as being quite in line with the magnitude of their tremendous task it was only appropriate to have the scene of their coming operations the biggest freshwater lake by long odds in the entire State, barring none it would have been what Perk might term as "small pertatoes, an' few in a hill," to have such a wizard of an operator as Oswald Kearns pick out an ordinary body of water, say of a mile in diameter, as his secret headquarters where he could continue to keep his whereabouts unknown to the Government revenue men.

In the summer we can live on garden truck, an' in the fall there is wild reddishes an' water-cresses an' spatterdock, an' nuts an' pertatoes come in mighty handy fur winter wuck. Why, I was born wuckin' when I was a gal I cooked, washed and done house-work for a family of ten, an' then had time to spin ten hanks o' yarn a day."

"I don't like to set ye agin Gile-ad, which is a scrip-too-rural place, and a God-fearin' place, and a nice dry place, and a place ez I've heard tell whar they grow beans and pertatoes and garden sass; but afore three weeks is over, old pard, you'll be howlin' to get back on that box seat with me, whar you uster sit, and be ready to take your chances agin, like a little man, to get drilled through with buckshot from road agents.

My man he jes wen erway en I haint neber seed him ergin en I'se had five chilluns en de white folks hev heped me all dese years. Dese trifling niggers dey wont hepe dey own kind of folks. If youse got de tooth ache I makes a poultice of scrape irish pertatoes en puts hit on de jaw on de side de tooth is aching en dat sho takes de fever out of de tooth.