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Tom Jones, it has been admirably said by a French critic, "est la condensation et le resume de toute une existence. C'est le resultat et la conclusion de plusieurs annees de passions et de pensees, la formule derniere et complete de la philosophie personnelle que l'on s'est faite sur tout ce que l'on a vu et senti."

Vous ne sauriez croire a quel point tous vos amis d'Angleterre, qui sont encore plus nombreux que ceux dont vous avez une connaissance personnelle, m'ont temoigne pour vous d'interet, de consideration et d'affection. Aussi votre convalescence est une bonne nouvelle pour nous tous les Lewis, les Hatherton, les Grote, Knight-Bruce et tant d'autres.

Tall and finely developed, with dark brown hair; a large mouth whose beauty lay in a smile of singular sweetness; dark, serious eyes with a changeful expression which no artist could catch; a fresh complexion that responded to every emotion of a passionate soul; a deep, well-modulated voice; manners gentle, modest, reserved, sometimes timid with the consciousness that she was not readily taken at her true value such was the PERSONNELLE of the woman who calmly weighed the possibilities of a life which had no longer a pleasant outlook in any direction, and, after much hesitation, became the wife of a grave, studious, austere man of good family and moderate fortune, but many years her senior.

But in the "Préface Personnelle" in the same volume, p. 35, M. Comte tells us: "Je n'ai jamais lu, en aucune langue, ni Vico, ni Kant, ni Herder, ni Hegel, &c.; je ne connais leurs divers ouvrages que d'après quelques relations indirectes et certains extraits fort insuffisants." Who knows but that the "&c." may include Hume? And in that case what is the value of M. Comte's praise of him?

Sur chacun d'eux, notre auteur donne son impression personnelle, et rappelle des souvenirs personnels ou des anecdotes intéressantes. Nous ne pouvons les passer tous en revue: mais on en peut citer quelques-uns.

Jacquemart, in the Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst: "One feels that this artist does not take her inspirations alone from the sittings of her subjects, but that she finds the best part of her work in her knowledge of character and from her close study of the personnelle of those whom she portrays." <b>JANDA, HERMINIE VON.</b> Born at Klosterbruch, 1854. Pupil of Ludwig Holanska and Hugo Darnaut.