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'There's the act. said Bill; 'he'll be down now immediately; he'll take no call for the perliceman, and a moment after a man attired in knee-breeches, with a huge cravat wound several times round his throat, came running down the stone staircase. 'Oh, 'ere he is, said Bill. 'I'll leave yer now, marm. 'And so you found your way, dear? said Dick, putting out his arm to draw Kate towards him.

They follow me wherever I go. I hear 'em even in me sleep." He sighed, and the tone of his voice was weary and ill at ease. "How horrid for you," said Judy very softly. "It keeps me moving," he muttered, trying to conceal all signs of face behind hair and beard, which he pulled over him like a veil. "It's the Perliceman." "The Policeman!" they echoed, staring. "But he can't find you here!"

'Oh, she's going to tell us all about it. 'Ow nice! But they let the thin little slip of a girl alone after that. It was a new-comer, a few moments later who called out from the fringe of the crowd 'I say, Mary, w'en yer get yer rights will y' be a perliceman? Even the tall, grave guardians of the peace ranged about the monument, even they smiled at the suggested image.

I.P. Oh dear, yes! Stout gentleman military appearance white waistcoat! Oh, him! I saw sech a party 'anging about suspiciously awhile ago, and spoke to the perliceman about him. I see it all. "A plant." That's why he met me on the door-step. Of course he doesn't live here at all. Gave a respectable address, and watched for me outside! And the sleek-spoken shark is gone! So are my two guineas!

Miss Abigail gave a start, and the ale leaped up in the pitcher like a miniature fountain. "I begs your parden, ladies and gentlemen all; but the thought of that feller with his ring an' his watch-chain an' his walrus face, is alus too many for me. I was for pitchin' him into the North River, when a perliceman prevented me from benefitin' the human family.

Here's a sperrit," said the lan'lord, a smile once more beamin on his face, "which will talk through him like a Dutch father! I'm the sperrit for you, young feller!" "You're a helthy old sperret," I remarkt; and then I saw the necessity of gettin him out of the hall. The wimin was yellin and screaming, and the men was hollerin' perlice. A perliceman really came and collerd my fat fren.

My perliceman knew an older orf'cer who was acquainted with Mr. Dickens. Mr. Dickens 'ad a full perliceman's suit 'imself, issued to 'im on an order from Scotland Yard, and he used to do patrol duty at night, carrying 'is bloomin' gloves in 'is 'and and 'is chinstrap in place. This was told me by my new-found friend, who volunteered to show me the way to North Gower Street.

"Dat I cannot say, sar," answered the black; "I only know dat a perliceman come out ob de door ob de lock-up as I was passin' by, and asked me if I wanted to earn fibe shillin'; and when I say `yes, he take me into de lock-up and interdooce me to young bucra, who say him name am Lindsay, and dat if I will take a message to you he will gib me fibe shillin' when I come back wid you."