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Well, I won't waste any more time on the bunch. You two be around about seven to-morrow. I'd like to start sooner, but some of the boys have to come in from a distance." Buck and Jessup were there ahead of time, but it was more than an hour later when the posse left Perilla.

"I asked what was the matter and she said to wait a minute. It seemed like she stopped to listen for something. Then all of a sudden she cried out that some one was riding up." "It it might not have been any of the gang," murmured Bud, voicing a hope he did not feel. "Who else would be likely to come at this time of night?" demanded Stratton. "Lynch is on the outs with everybody around Perilla.

Perilla watched the two men as they walked off toward the apiary, and when she turned to her stepmother her eyes were wet with sudden tears. "Fidus was almost impertinent to father, wasn't he? And father was so perfect to him!

Archer clenched her small hands and fought bravely for self-control. "He said he he might be delayed. He didn't dare take the road through Perilla, and the trail through the mountains was probably blocked by the sheriff." Her forehead wrinkled thoughtfully. "He said the only way was to to go through the pass and turn south along the edge of the T-T land. That that was all."

He said about coming here that he would rather spend his last day with father than with any other man in Rome. And what a happy day it has been!" Perilla rose impulsively and, tucking her sleeping child in among the cushions of a neighbouring bench, threw herself on the grass by the older woman.

Buck gathered in Jessup, who had been waiting, and the two left the building and walked toward the hotel, where they had left their horses. Perilla was a town of some size, and at this hour the main street was fairly well crowded with a picturesque throng of cowboys, Mexicans, and Indians from the near-by reservation, with the usual mingling of more prosaic-looking business men.

The poet had a special liking for his gardens here, and he had preferred to hold his fete away from the city, in family seclusion, because Fidus was about to take Perilla off to Africa, where he was to be proconsul. The shadow of the parting had thrown into high relief the happiness of the day.

It ain't much to boast of, but chances are we won't meet up with a soul till we run into the main road a mile or so this side of Perilla." Bud's prediction proved accurate. They encountered no one throughout the entire length of the twisting, narrow, little-used trail, and even when they reached the main road early in the afternoon there was very little passing.

And out of the common they were Kit Lebow with her eight daughters, all wafting up the street like a bevy of peacocks in their best hoops and bonnets: Kit herself sailing afore, with her long malacca staff tap-tapping the cobbles, and her tall daughters behind like a bodyguard two and two Maria, Constantia, Elizabeth Jane, Perilla, Christian the Younger, Marcella, Thomasine, and Lally.

"Of course I pulled the baby stare an' told him I didn't see no letter to no girl. Yuh sure didn't mail one while I was with yuh, I says. "'Didn't mail no letter at all? he wants to know, scowlin'." "'Sure, I says. 'Only it went to Jim Hardenberg over to Perilla.