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Knowing Kennedy's habits, I sent out for sandwiches and started in to make strong coffee upon an electric percolator. The aroma tingled in my nostrils, reminding me that I was genuinely hungry. The district attorney, too, seemed more or less similarly disposed. As for Kennedy, he was interested in nothing but the problem before him.

Mildred Lorimer, beside the shining copper coffee percolator, looked a lovely Vesta of the hearth and home. Honor wished she might take a pleat in the fore-noon. She didn't see how she was going to get through the hours between breakfast and the time to start for the game. It was a relief to see Jimsy coming across the lawn at ten o'clock. She ran out to meet him. "Hello, Jimsy!" "'Lo, Skipper.

Setting aside 4 ounces of the filtered liquid for further experimenting, I packed the residue from the press into a conical glass percolator and exhausted with dilute alcohol, evaporating the percolate in a water-bath to two ounces, mixing with the 12 ounces of expressed juice and adding 2 ounces of alcohol.

The boarders had their meals at little separate tables now, and the "family," which was Mother and Nana, and Aunt Adele and Uncle John, were together at the largest table at the back where the serving and carving were done, and where the big shiny percolator stood. Teddy knew all the boarders old Colonel and Mrs.

Hildreth smuggled forth her coffee percolator, which she kept hidden from her husband's search ... and we soon, by the aid of an alcohol stove, had a cup of fragrant coffee a-piece ... which Darrie made.... "Penton swears coffee is worse than whiskey, the rankest of poisons. We have to hide the percolator from him." "He lies a-bed late, when he wakes.

"Well, if Sol Klinger could do it, why couldn't we?" Morris asked. "What are you talking about Sol Klinger?" Abe demanded. Thereupon Morris related to Abe the circumstances surrounding Sol Klinger's purchase of the coffee percolator, and when he concluded Abe nodded slowly. "So that highwayman is butting in too," he commented. "How much did you say he is paying for that samovar, Mawruss?"

The air was cold and tingling; the ground was white as a sheet; the sky was a strident, implacable blue. The glitter and the glare assaulted their sleepy eyes. They turned up their collars, thrust their hands deep into their pockets, and took briskly the half mile which led to their own percolator and electric toaster. Cope threw himself down on the bed and let Lemoyne get the breakfast.

Hard, if you'll throw some more wood into the stove, I'll put on the percolator and run down to the dining-room for some sandwiches." She ran off in one direction, while Scott drove the team in another, leaving Hard to do the honors. "It's a shame to have things happen this way," he said.

He dropped his cigarette and his newspaper, and for perhaps three minutes there was no sound in the apartment but the coffee bubbling in the percolator, and the occasional clank of the radiator. Then Jim jumped up suddenly and flung open the door of the bedroom. Julia was sitting at her dressing-table, one elbow resting upon it, and her head dropped on her hand.

Then Elfreda, who had taken upon herself the making and serving of the coffee, returned after a brief absence with a percolator of steaming coffee, Miriam following with the sugar and cream. "Isn't it too bad we never thought of doing this before?" said Marian Cummings. "Something had to be left for our senior year," said Anne Pierson.