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The heart in me stopped just when all its flood had reached my face. "Miss St. Vrain," I repeated, aloud. The two sprang up. That afternoon they had been dressed for a girls' frolic in some Grecian fashion. I cannot tell a Watteau pleat from window-curtain. I am only a man, and I do not name draperies well.

It will take my uttermost as it shall be my sweetest effort to stand between you and harm " But here the pink corded silk swished disdainfully about, its Watteau pleat flashed out of sight through the door-day, and that portal was slammed in the speaker's face. The mover of multitudes found himself alone in the darkened hall, snubbed and wrathful.

Clemency flushed, and looking down at the table, began to pleat a fold in the cloth with nervous fingers. "Poor little Nick hasn't been very well lately, and I can't leave him alone " she began. "Then bring him with you." "And," she continued slowly, "when I wrote you that letter I was greatly afraid, but I'm not afraid any longer. And oh, I couldn't leave London yet I couldn't!"

The approach to these dreamy shores was dark and tumultuous, as if nature had set an initiation of contrasting toil before the enjoyment of that light and peace. It followed the bed of a mountain stream, which began in a mere pleat of the hills, tumbling often in white cascades, and enduring no boat upon its waters until half its course was run.

Now, as before, there was only one road that he could take, for we passed up the crest of a ridge, a pleat as it were in the garment of the mountain, and on either side were steeps of snow on which neither horse nor man might keep his footing.

He was working on the edge of the common, beyond the small brook that ran in the dip at the bottom of the garden, carrying the garden path in continuation from the plank bridge on to the common. He had cut the rough turf and bracken, leaving the grey, dryish soil bare. But he was worried because he could not get the path straight, there was a pleat between his brows.

"Mother," he said, "I've got a pain in my chest." On the instant her rosiness blanched. "Albert, one of your colds coming on? They never start on your chest. It's influenza; the papers are full of it. They say next winter we're going to have it in a terrible epidemic. Albert, what hurts?" He inserted two fingers into the front pleat of his shirt. "It hurts here," he said. "Albert," cried Mrs.

Before cutting this out, a box-pleat an inch and a half wide should be laid down the middle of the front, and a side pleat three-fourths of an inch wide on either side of the placket in the back. The sleeve should have a tuck an inch wide. These tucks and pleats are better run in be hand, so that they may be easily ripped.

"Until, one day I met a woman." "And then ?" "And then I asked her to marry me, Charmian." Here there ensued a pause, during which Charmian began to pleat a fold in the tablecloth. "That was rather unwise of you, wasn't it?" said she at last. "How unwise?" "Because she might have taken you at your word, Peter." "Do you mean that that you won't, Charmian?" "Oh dear, no!

For five years, she who had known from infancy the furtive Bradstreet of some of the vertical city's most notorious aliases and gang names, and who knew, almost by baptism of fire, that there were short cuts to an easier and weightier wage envelope, had made buttonholes from eight until five on the blue-denim pleat before it was stitched down the front of men's blue-denim shirts.