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It is a gem of the first water which Concord wears in her coronet. Yet perchance the first who came to this well have left some trace of their footsteps.

Should perchance a peaceful life and waning strength forbid thy attendance, I trust that thou wilt wrestle for us in prayer, even as the holy prophet of old; and perchance, since I hear that thou hast prospered according to the things of this world, thou mayst be able to fit out a pikeman or two, or to send a gift towards the military chest, which will be none too plentifully lined.

Tulkinghorn takes off his gloves and puts them in his hat, he looks with half-closed eyes across the room to where the trooper stands and says within himself perchance, "You'll do, my friend!" "Sit down, sergeant," he repeats as he comes to his table, which is set on one side of the fire, and takes his easy-chair. "Cold and raw this morning, cold and raw!" Mr. Smallweed."

They may make dull the agony I now feel, and perchance I will then wear as bright a smile as I did in years ago, but the remembrance of my wife and child will never be blunted; no, nor shall a shade cross over my heart, and dim the affection I had for them, while living, and for their memory now that they are in the grave." Alfred was right.

"Perchance thou wilt lead me to him," Laodice said finally. Amaryllis made no immediate answer. It would have been a natural impulse for her to wish to inquire for the girl's business with the man that the Greek as hostess was expected to conceal. But Amaryllis had her own explanation for this visit.

So perchance, ere we come to Winisfarne, the strength of thousands shall lie within these arms of ours." "'Tis a fair thought, lad aye, 'tis a right fair thought! May all the poor souls done thus to sudden, cruel death, march within our slender ranks and smite with us, shoulder to shoulder, henceforth!"

Hold on thy course, lord, perchance we may yet steer between rocks and land. Already the wind falls and the current lessens the seas." "Ay," said Eric, "already the fog and rain come up," and he pointed ahead where dense clouds gathered in the shape of a giant, whose head reached to the skies and moved towards them, hiding the moon.

Fortunately for Rolfe, he had no difficult diplomatic duty to perform, or he might perchance have been tempted to yield too easily, won by the bewitching graces of the lovely savage. The chief received the strangers with dignity as they advanced towards him. He had heard of their coming, he said, and gave them welcome.

"Perchance 'tis so. They say they are fair women.... The sound is gone. I would I might hear thy sister singing." "How silver and how solemn is the sky!" said his companion. "Perhaps it was the echo of some heavenly strain. There goeth a great star! They say that the fall of such stars is portentous, speaking to men of doom." His Captain laughed.

"What sayest thou of the Senator Aluisi Bernardini that he is no loss to Venice?" "Nay, nay: he is one that Venice may not too well spare: a man after her best traditions one for an embassy or any place of power a man to do us honor overgrave and quiet, perchance, for his youth, yet of a courtesy and judgment! and never leaving the thing undone! It is his father again."