United States or Bouvet Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And, as I watched him, the thought came into my mind that, perchance, this was the very wretch who had murdered my wife, come back for the spoil that he had then had to abandon. It was quite possible, even likely, and at the thought I felt my cheeks flush and a strange, fierce pleasure, such as I had never felt before, swept into my consciousness. I could have laughed aloud, but I did not.

He evidently gave much thought to the relationship between man and his Creator after he felt the sting of bereavement, but it was a subject to which he never referred in our conversation, unless, perchance, it drifted in upon us.

There may be, perchance, as grand, but I am certain there is not a grander country in the world than America the land of the brave and free." Ned did not assent at once to the latter part of this proposition. "You forget," he said, hesitatingly, as if disinclined to hurt the feelings or prejudices of his new friend, "you forget that it is the land of slaves!"

Quoth merry Robin, "Here, methinks, is good lodging, where peaceful folk, such as we be, can eat in quietness; therefore we will rest here, and see what may, perchance, fall into our luck-pot." So they crossed a stile and came behind a hedgerow where the mellow sunlight was bright and warm, and where the grass was soft, and there sat them down.

"No, wild horses! Thousands of 'em! Hear 'em coming?" In the silence that followed Ned's warning there could be heard a dull, roaring, thundering sound, and the earth seemed to tremble. "The young senor speaks truth! Wild horses are coming!" cried San Pedro. "Get ready, senors! Have your weapons at hand, and perchance we can turn the stampede aside." "The rifles! The electric rifles, Ned Mr.

With them, perchance, walked the great Tuscan, for he knew and loved them both, and all three, the seer, the poet and the painter, brooded over the inner forces of Nature and bared their souls to revelation.

DUCHESS. I mean, niece, that you should not have forgotten Who you are, and who he is. But perchance That never once occurred to you. THEKLA. What then? COUNTESS. That you're the daughter of the Prince Duke Friedland. THEKLA. Well, and what farther? DUCHESS. What? A pretty question! THEKLA. He was born that which we have but become. He's of an ancient Lombard family, Son of a reigning princess.

"Your pardon, Sirs, and I will tell you all, for I am come hither to that end. Perchance among you there may be some methinks I see some who, nigh eleven years ago, were gathered in this hall to secretly crown one Harmachis, Pharaoh of Khem?" "It is true!" they said; "but how knowest thou these things, thou Olympus?"

This writing speaks of a master whom Godwin may meet, and who would wish the writer to pay him a certain honour." "Perhaps he wrote thus to blind us." "Perchance, perchance. The matter puzzles me. Moreover, of whom these men were I have been able to learn nothing. A boat was seen passing towards Bradwell indeed, it seems that you saw it, and that night a boat was seen sailing southwards down St.

She loves to be in the open air, and at the Cross Way House there will be gardens and pleasaunces and orchards where she may perchance be suffered to wander at will. Prudence will be kind to her, and I shall send her gladly." Susan again made her peculiar gesture, as much as to say that she washed her hands of responsibility in the matter.