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I have no arrière pensée about a reconciliation with the Dashwoods, no subtle scheme, on my honor; but simply I feel that you will never give yourself fair chances in the world, by indulging your habit of shrinking from every embarrassment. Don't be offended, boy. I know you have pluck enough to storm a battery; I have seen you under fire before now.

So he will be able to affirm with Boileau that his thoughts are everywhere open to the light of the day, and that his verse always says something, whether it says it well or ill: Ma pensée au grand jour partout s'offre et s'expose, Et mon vers, bien ou mal, dit toujours quelque chose: while of the writers previously described it may be asserted, in the words of the same poet, that they talk much and never say anything at all quiparlant beaucoup ne disent jamais rien.

I feel quite in the mood of that morning when we walked down Broadway on our wedding journey. Don't you?" "Oh yes. But I know I'm not younger; I'm only prettier." She laughed for pleasure in his joke, and also for unconscious joy in the gay New York weather, in which there was no 'arriere pensee' of the east wind.

When Bonaparte ordered this paragraph to be inserted in the Moniteur, he discovered an 'arriere pensee', long suspected by politicians, but never before avowed by himself, or by his Ministers. "That he has determined on the universal change of dynasties, because a usurper can never reign with safety or honour as long as any legitimate Prince may disturb his power, or reproach him for his rank."

They were simple eyes I will not say without arriere pensee, for there was no end of thinking faculty, if not yet thought, behind them, but honest eyes that looked at you from the root of eyes, with neither attack nor defence in them.

The three women as they faced each other presented a remarkable picture. Pensée, the eldest, who alone knew the lessons of physical pain, had a pathetic grace which made her seem, in comparison with the others radiant with untried health, some gentle, plaintive spirit from a sadder sphere.

COUSIN, "Introduction Generale a l'Histoire de la Philosophie," I. 169: "Que toute pensée implique une foi spontanée

Pour dire que le gnosticisme ou l'ebionitisme sont les formes legitimes de la pensee chretienne il faut dire hardiment qu'il n'y a pas de pensee chretienne, ni de caractere specifique qui la fasse reconnaitre.

But I have met her. She married Wrexham Parflete, an extraordinary creature. He lived for years with the Archduke Charles of Alberia. People used to say that Mrs. Parflete was the Archduke's daughter. I ran across Parflete the other day in Sicily." "But he is dead," said Pensée, much agitated; "he drowned himself." "I cannot help that," repeated Sir Piers.

I grant that when in his office, a man should be exact and precise, but our holidays are our garden, and too much precision here is a mistake. Surely truces, without even an arriere pensee of difference of opinion, between those who are compelled to take widely different sides during the greater part of their lives, must be of infinite service to those who can enter on them.