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And she began to hum: Lieti fiori a felici, e ben nate erbe Che Madonna pensando premer sole; Piaggia ch'ascolti su dolci parole E del bel piede alcun vestigio serbe. The old soldier was but little used to the voice of a young girl; and in general when a woman spoke to him, the tone he assumed in answering always fluctuated between an awkward compliment and an ebullition of temper.

The "coo-coo-oo" of the doves blending with the love-call of the squirrel, betokened that both were inspired by the tenderest of passions. "Pensando de amor," as the Spanish phrase finely expresses it; for at that moment, the beautiful words of the southern poet were in my thoughts, and upon my lips: Aunque las fieras En sus guaridas Enternecidas Pensan de amor!

He calls himself 'un certo omiciatto, che non è nessun di voi che veggendolo non l'avesse a noia, pensando che egli abbia fatto una commedia; and begs the audience to damn his play to save him the tedium of writing another. Criticised by the light of his subsequent actions, this prologue may even be understood to contain a covert promise of the murder he was meditating.

"Negro tienes el cabello, Talle lineas hermosas, Mano blanca, pie precioso, No hay que decir en ti: Tu eres la mas hermosa, Tu eres la luz del dia, Tu eres la prenda mía, Tu me harás morir. "Que importa que noche y dia, En ti sola estoy pensando, El corazón palpitante No cesa de repetir: Tu eres la mas hermosa, Tu eres la luz del dia, Tu eres la prenda mía, Tu me harás morir Eulogia!"

And she began to hum: Lieti fiori a felici, e ben nate erbe Che Madonna pensando premer sole; Piaggia ch'ascolti su dolci parole E del bel piede alcun vestigio serbe. The old soldier was but little used to the voice of a young girl; and in general when a woman spoke to him, the tone he assumed in answering always fluctuated between an awkward compliment and an ebullition of temper.

"What Turgenev has got to do with it I don't understand," said Gruzin softly, and he shrugged his shoulders. "Do you remember, George, how in 'Three Meetings' he is walking late in the evening somewhere in Italy, and suddenly hears, 'Vieni pensando a me segretamente," Gruzin hummed. "It's fine." "But she hasn't come to settle with you by force," said Pekarsky. "It was your own wish." "What next!

The Northern traveller, standing beneath his master-works in Parma, may hear from each of those radiant and laughing faces what the young Italian said to Goethe: Perchè pensa? pensando s' invecchia. Michael Angelo is the prophet or seer of the Renaissance.

"But let us get off, or we shall be meeting her on the doorstep." "'Vieni pensando a me segretamente," hummed Gruzin. At last they drove off: Orlov did not sleep at home, and returned next day at dinner-time. Zinaida Fyodorovna had lost her gold watch, a present from her father. This loss surprised and alarmed her.

And she began to hum: Lieti fiori a felici, e ben nate erbe Che Madonna pensando premer sole; Piaggia ch'ascolti su dolci parole E del bel piede alcun vestigio serbe. The old soldier was but little used to the voice of a young girl; and in general when a woman spoke to him, the tone he assumed in answering always fluctuated between an awkward compliment and an ebullition of temper.