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The future hath no joys in store for us; and may bereave us of some of the few faint pleasures that still are ours. What then is left us old before our time but to banquet on the past? And are they not watered by our tears? The poet tells us "Nessun maggior dolore Che ricordarsi del tempo felice Nella miseria." But it is not so.

He was not so delighted with the answer as might have been expected, and was relieved by Hans's movement to a more advanced spot. Deronda had never before heard Mirah sing "O patria mia." Mirah singing this, made Mordecai more than ever one presence with her. Certain words not included in the song nevertheless rang within Deronda as harmonies from the invisible "Non ti difende Nessun tuoi!

I ought to be there at least two months before he can receive a man from England. July 20th. Would that I were at home to-day! You say that I do not appreciate anniversaries, but it is chiefly because it is so sad when the days come when they cannot be celebrated as of yore. 'Nessun maggior dolore. Do not anniversaries stir this great fountain of sadness?

His putting to flight the assassins in Ferrara gave him such a reputation for courage, that there went about in his honour a popular couplet "Colla penna e colla spada Nessun val quanto Torquato." For the sword as well as pen Tasso is the man of men. He was a little eater, but not averse to wine, particularly such as combined piquancy with sweetness; and he always dressed in black.

Nessun maggior dolore che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria.... For a weak and tender soul it is the greatest of misfortunes ever to have known the greatest happiness. But though it is sad indeed to lose the beloved at the beginning of life, it is even more terrible later on when the springs of life are running dry.

Often have I questioned the truth of the NESSUN MAGGIOR DOLORE than the memory of happy times in the midst of sorry ones. The thought of happiness, it would seem, should surely make us happier, and yet not of happiness for ever lost. And are not the deepening shades of our declining sun deepened by youth's contrast?

Nacque una scarica generale. Grande panico tra gli spettatori. Nessun ferito. TRANSLATION. "Revolveration in Theater. Nobody hurt." It is bettable that that harmless cataclysm in the theater of the opera of Wallace, Indiana, excited not a person in Europe but me, and so came near to not being worth cabling to Florence by way of France. But it does excite me.

Ma egli anno posto in Gesù ferma spene; E tanto pare a lor, quanto a lui pare: Afferman cio ch' e' fu, che facci bene, E che non possi in nessun modo errare: Se padre o madre è ne l'eterne pene, Di questo non si posson conturbare: Che quel che piace a Dio, sol piace a loro Questo s'osserva ne l'eterno core.

Without being informed upon the subject, I fancy a certain programmism in the prologue that is not indicated in the quotation at the beginning of the work: "Nessun maggior dolore, Che ricordarsi del tempo felice Nella miseria." The prologue, however, seems to me to contain more than the psychological content of these lines from the fifth canto of the "Inferno."

May God preserve this people those noble patriots, of which Wadsworth, Wade, Potter of Wisconsin, Stanton, Governor Andrew, and many others are the types, when the country will be ruined and rended by the firm, Lincoln-Seward-McClellan, to realize the pang, Nessun maggior' dolor' che ricordarsi dell tempo felice Nella miseria. O, I know what it is! Mr. Seward's letter, October 28, to Messrs.