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Are you not always, as the saying goes, 'two faces under one hood?" "Truly, how can it be otherwise, when you put our heads under the great hood of your pelisse?" said Rose, laughing. "There they are again, mocking-birds! One never has the last word with them. Come, ladies, your secret, since a secret there is." "Speak, sister," said Rose. "No, miss, it is for you to speak.

At first I saw them only; but a few instants later, Byelovzorov came into sight round a bend in the glade, he was wearing a hussar's uniform with a pelisse, and riding a foaming black horse. The gallant horse tossed its head, snorted and pranced from side to side, his rider was at once holding him in and spurring him on. I stood aside.

He was habited in a pelisse, or dolman, of dark blue, richly laced with gold, and almost concealed under a large white kerchief, embroidered with sky-blue silk, and known in Mexico as pano de sol.

If by any terrible ordinance he be forced to venture forth, he sees death dangling from every sleeve, and as he creeps forward, he poises his shuddering limbs between the imminent jacket that is stabbing at his right elbow and the murderous pelisse that threatens to mow him clean down as it sweeps along on his left.

Jules looked out of the carriage window at the black walls of the silent houses before which they passed; but suddenly, as if driven by a determining thought, when turning the corner of a street he examined his wife, who appeared to be cold in spite of the fur-lined pelisse in which she was wrapped. He thought she seemed pensive, and perhaps she really was so.

He drew near to Jeanne and whispered in her ear: "Are you sure you've wraps enough? a shawl, or a cape, or some kind of pelisse?" She gave a merry nod of assent. "Don't worry yourself, father; I am prepared for all emergencies."

An old woman, wearing over sordid garments an old furred Polish pelisse, was the guide the herald, so to say, to a gentleman in gold spectacles and a black suit and silk hat, an inspector of police, a sergeant of the watch, while behind this formidable official nucleus marched a serried body of civil and of military police.

"Here are my cigarettes, Jean; you can smoke just as much as you like" I pulled out all I had, one full paquet of Maryland, and a half dozen loose ones, and deposited them carefully in the right hand pocket of the pelisse. Then I patted him on the shoulder and gave him the immortal salutation "Bonne chance, mon ami!" He straightened proudly. He stalked like a king through the doorway.

"This wonderously beautiful maiden loved the poor goatherd Juon, who possessed nothing in the world but his sheepskin pelisse and his alpenstock; him she loved and him alone.

The small, stoop-shouldered old man, with a great white beard, appeared respectable and well-to-do in his black velvet cap and pelisse; his eyes were very bright, and his cheeks hectic with resentment at the annoyance he was undergoing; but that he could help out of the difficulty appeared absurd.