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Doctor Prescott looked like an empress among the other women, with her purple velvet pelisse sweeping around her in massive folds, and her purple velvet bonnet with a long ostrich plume curling over the side the purple being considered a sort of complimentary half-mourning.

The man obeyed; and having no ideas independent of his trade, asked the count what he wanted to buy. "Nothing: I want to sell this pelisse," returned he, opening it. The Jew, without any ceremony, inspected its covering and its lining of fur. "Ay, I see: black cloth and sable; but who would buy it of me? An embroidered collar! nobody wears such things here."

"There there!" she said, pointing to the window. "I thought I saw a hand move the pelisse." She had not concluded these words before Dagobert rushed to the window and opened it, tearing down the mantle, which had been suspended from the fastening. It was still dark night, and the wind was blowing hard. The soldier listened, but could hear nothing.

Whereat the footsteps came forward, in at the open door and through the soft glory of the all-pervading sunshine, with an effect of gentle urgency and haste. Katherine's gray, silk pelisse was unfastened, showing the grey, silk gown, its floating ribbons, pretty frills and flounces, beneath.

"During the latter part of this murderous scene, some of our affrighted people, who had fled, returned with a detachment, and seeing Butzou and me apparently lifeless, carried us to the royal palace, where all was commotion and distraction. But the foot-guards followed the track which the conspirators had taken. In one of the streets they found the king's hat dyed in blood, and his pelisse also.

'Nothing, said the Cogia, 'provided you don't frighten carriers' camels. Once upon a time the Cogia was sent into Curdistan along with the Ambassador. Whilst he was there the Curdish Beys invited the Cogia to a feast which they had made in honour of him. The Cogia, putting on a pelisse, went to the place of festival. During the entertainment he chanced to belch.

The lovely specimen oftenest chosen, oftenest rejected, and finally abided by, was of Circassian descent, possessing as much boldness of beauty as was reconcilable with extreme feebleness of mouth, and combining a sky-blue silk pelisse with rose-coloured satin trousers, and a black velvet hat: which this fair stranger to our northern shores would seem to have founded on the portraits of the late Duchess of Kent.

"What did you hear said?" "As you told me to think only of the knapsack, I can only remember what concerns the knapsack. The old man said he had some papers in it the letter of a general his money his cross." "Good what next?" "As it was difficult for me to keep the pelisse away from the hole, it slipped through my fingers. In trying to get hold of it again, I put my hand too much forward.

I heard talking, but I could see nothing; so I moved the pelisse a little, and then I could see the two lasses in bed opposite to me, and the old man sitting down with his back to where I stood." "But the knapsack the knapsack? That is the most important." "The knapsack was near the window, on a table, by the side of a lamp; I could have reached it by stretching out my arm."

Next I attached the fur-trimmed pelisse to one shoulder, adjusted the shoulder belt, threw the brass chain with mirror attached round his neck, placed the plumed shako on his head, girded the sword about his waist, and there he stood, a most grotesque yet withal not unkingly figure, fully attired in the uniform of a hussar.