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'I have cruised, he says, 'f 'r two thousan' miles through th' Ar-rchey Pelago that's a funny name ivry minyit a surprise an' delight to those that see me, he says. 'I see corn growin' on banana threes; I see th' gloryous heights iv Ding Dong that ar-re irradyatin'. civilization like quills upon th' fretful porcypine, he says.

Provided with a letter of recommendation to the abbot they set forth from their rooms at early morning by vettura and from Pelago onwards, while Browning rode, Mrs Browning and Wilson in basket sledges were slowly drawn towards the monastery by white bullocks. A new abbot, a little holy man with a red face, had been recently installed, who announced that in his nostrils "a petticoat stank."

I really found only two lines worthy of a great poet in all the Thebais. They are these. What do you think of my taste? "Clamorem, bello qualis supremus apertis Urbibus, aut pelago jam descendente carina." I am now busy with Quintilian and Lucan, both excellent writers. The dream of Pompey in the seventh book of the Pharsalia is a very noble piece of writing.

At least AEneas, who knew nothing of the machine of Somnus, takes it plainly in this sense: "O nimium coelo et pelago confise sereno, Nudus in ignota, Palinure, jacebis arena."

Steady climbing now, and then a turn to the right and we see Pelago before us, perched on its crags, and by and by come to it a tiny town, with a clean and alluring inn, very different from the squalor of Pontassieve: famous in art and particularly Florentine art as being the birthplace of Lorenzo Ghiberti, who made the Baptistery doors.

Well, we got a letter of recommendation to the abbot, and left our apartment, Via delle Belle Donne, a week before our three months were done, thoroughly burned out by the sun; set out at four in the morning, reached Pelago, and from thence travelled five miles along a 'via non rotabile' through the most romantic scenery.

The Certosa A Company of Uncles The Cells Machiavelli Impruneta The della Robbias Pontassieve Pelago Milton's simile Vallombrosa S. Gualberto Prato and the Lippis The Grassina Albergo An American invasion The Procession of the Dead Christ My loss.

Segrais has observed farther, that when Anna counsels Dido to stay AEneas during the winter, she speaks also of Orion: "Dum pelago desaevit hiems, et aquosus Orion." If therefore Ilioneus, according to our supposition, understand the heliacal rising of Orion, Anna must mean the achronical, which the different epithets given to that constellation seem to manifest.

At Pelago, a little paése village we should call it on the Arno some fourteen or fifteen miles above Florence, we were to find saddle-horses, the journey we were about to make being in those days practicable in no other way, unless on foot. There was at that time a certain Antonio da Pelago, whose calling it was to act as guide, and to furnish horses.

Alan, impelled by necessity, or perhaps only by curiosity, was not afraid to launch his bark, first upon the rivers, and later upon the more formidable waves of the sea Illi robur et aes triplex Circa pectus erat, qui fragilem truci Commisit pelago ratem Primus.