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"I did not hear such names mentioned, but Henry spoke of a wounded nigger." "Ay, they're all a set of false rascals together," said Corrie. "Niggers ob dis here settlement is good mans, ebery von," said Poopy, promptly. "Hallo! Kickup, wot's wrong? I never heard ye say so much at one time since I came to this place." "Niggers is good peepils," reiterated the girl.

"I did not hear such names mentioned; but Henry spoke of a wounded nigger." "Aye, they're all a set of false rascals together," said Corrie. "Niggers ob dis here settlement is good mans, ebery von," said Poopy, promptly. "Hallo! Kickup, wot's wrong? I never heard you say so much at one time since I came to this place." "Niggers is good peepils," reiterated the girl.

"And yet," said she somewhat abstractedly, "this bees the man who peepils call " Mary pursed her lips suddenly. "Call what?" inquired March quickly. "Wicked, wild, bad man," replied Mary, who, fortunately, could say all this with perfect truth without betraying her secret.

Him was my master, Kurnil Langley, an' only do the right ting: humbil hisself to our Dey w'en hims contry do wrong. Now, here we is comin' to Bab-el-Oued, that means the Water-gate in yoor lingo, w'ere the peepils hold palaver."