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"Dat is troo, an' vat I has obsarve oftin," said Rollin, looking earnestly into a kettle which rested on the fire. "Never mind, Vic," said Ian heartily, "we'll be at it again to-morrow, bright and early. We're sure to succeed in the long-run. Petawanaquat can't travel at night in the woods any more than we can." Old Peegwish glared at the fire as though he were pondering these sayings deeply.

The improvement did not, indeed, render canoeing safe, for the white-crested waves of that temporary sea still lashed the shores of the new-made islet; but the case was urgent, therefore the clergyman launched his canoe, and, with Peegwish and the faithful Wildcat, steered for the station.

"Did you feel that, Peegwish?" Yes, Peegwish had felt "that," and said so in an awful whisper without moving. "Surely no, it cannot have been the " He stopped short. There was a low, grinding sound, accompanied by a strange tremor in the planks on which they stood, as if the house were gradually coming alive! There could be no mistake.

"Don't you think, Sam, that we might have the barn prepared, in case some of our neighbours have to leave their houses?" "The barn is ready, mother," said Elsie. "Father and I have been arranging it all the morning with the aid of Peegwish, poor fellow, who has been sent to us by Macdonald." "Ay, and it's as trim as an hospital," added Mr Ravenshaw; "but I hope it won't be wanted.

After his father's death he had consorted and hunted much with Peegwish, who spoke Indian and French, but remarkably little English. Peegwish was also a splendid canoe-man, so that Rollin had come to study with great intelligence the flow and effect of currents of water, whether deep or shallow, narrow or broad.

"Put on the pot, Wildcat," said Peegwish on entering, as he threw down the sack of barley. The woman obeyed with alacrity. The fire burned on the earthen floor in primitive style. Erecting three sticks over it in the tripod form, she hung a pot therefrom, filled it with water, and awaited further orders.

Send Peegwish with it, without Wildcat, she would only be in the way." Victor tried to induce his friend to change his mind, but Ian was immoveable. He therefore returned to Willow Creek in the canoe, and sent Peegwish back with the punt a tub-like little boat, with two small oars or sculls.

"Follow up the trail as fast as we can," said Victor promptly. "Dat is bon advise," observed Rollin. "Hand over de duck, Peegvish, an' do try for shut your eyes. If you vould only vink it vould seem more comfortabler." Peegwish did not smile, but with deepened gravity passed the duck. "I'm not so sure of the goodness of the advice," said Ian.

Peegwish was, naturally as well as by training, lazy, and what could be more congenial to a lazy man than a "gentle art" which involved nothing more than sitting on a river bank smoking a pipe and awaiting a bite? It had a spice of intellectuality about it too, for did it not foster a spirit of meditation, contemplation, and even of philosophical speculation when he chanced to be awake?

The ox turned out to be more obstinate than himself, and also more callous, for when it became fatigued with hauling the water-barrel to and fro, it stopped at the foot of the slope near a corner of the garden, and refused to budge. Peegwish lashed it, but it did not feel at all events, it did not care.