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"Yes," said Captain Corbet; "an bein as the schewner was in good repair, an corked, an coal-tarred, an whitewashed up fust rate, I kine o' thought it would redound to our mootooil benefit if we went off on sich a excursion, bein pleasanter, cheaper, comfortabler, an every way preferable to a land tower." "Hem," said Dr. Porter, looking uneasily about. "I don't altogether like it.

I do so want you to think over this quietly.... I wish you would sit down...." Mrs. Thrale did so. "Thank you! that is comfortabler. Now, just consider this! There is no evidence at all that the young daughter whom she left behind with her sister is not still living, though of course the chances are that the sister herself is dead. This daughter may be.... What's that?"

'Except for the pain, his mind's at rest. Besides, there's nobody but me knows how to talk to him, and there's nobody but me as he wants to see. You can't make him no comfortabler than he is. "But it were a terrible strain on my poor 'usband, and there's not a doubt that it would ha' killed him there and then if it had lasted much longer.

Tears trickled down her cheeks and through the mist of them she saw that the boy Abe stood at the foot of the bed. "Feelin' comfortabler?" he asked. He had a harsh untunable voice, his father's, but harsher, and he spoke the drawling dialect of the backwoods. His figure stood in the light, so that the dying mother saw only its outline.

It'll be mair comfortabler, an'll keep ye oot o' the wat." Daddy submitted with a good grace, and felt more easy than usual, the table being very little higher than his chair. Mrs Winklemann was equally submissive and pleased. Covering the two pairs of legs with a blanket, old Liz produced some bread and cheese, and served out rations thereof to keep their minds engaged.

And to think of that rusty carbine, stock and barrel, standing up on end in his corner, hard, indifferent, taking everything so evenly it made flesh and blood tingle, I do assure you." "My advice to you," returns Mrs. Bagnet, "is to light your pipe and tingle that way. It's wholesomer and comfortabler, and better for the health altogether." "You're right," says the trooper, "and I'll do it."

It 's our way of holding the balance, ma'am. But would it not be better to rectify the law and the social system, dear sir? Why, ma'am, we find it comfortabler to take cases as they come, in the style of our fathers. But don't you see, my good man, that you are offering scapegoats for the comfort of the majority?

Then Blister Mike, having sized matters up, chipped in too: saying it would make him feel comfortabler having done some joking himself by talking the way he did and getting his gun out if they'd all have one on the bar.

This here island is now almost as comfortable as a ship that has been in blue water for a month, and I do n't know how it can be made more comfortabler." This was only according to the boatswain's notion of comfort; but Rose thanked him for his care in her winning way, while her aunt admitted that, "for a place that was almost a desert island, things did look somewhat promising."

Belave me, Ned, it's much comfortabler to be merely a' And-so-forth thin it is to be an' Etcetera. An' I've loved ye so, Ned! Ye're the noblest nobleman I ivver knew or ivver expict to know." Franklin sat gazing at him without speech, and presently Battersleigh went on. "It's a bit of a story, lad," said he kindly.