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Miss Peedick had unexpected company come in, jest as they wuz a-settin' down to the dinner-table, and she hadn't hardly anything for dinner, and the company wuz very genteel a minister and a Justice of the Peace so she wanted to borrow a loaf of bread and a pie.

And he'd say, "If I was good enough, could I see Him now?" And I would say, "Yes." And then he would tell me that he would try to be good; and I would say, "Wall, so do." And late one afternoon, a bright, sunny afternoon, he got tired of playin'. He had been a horse, and little Let Peedick had been a drivin' him.

I wouldn't want to be the one that said that he had demeaned himself to that extent. Wall, he wouldn't give a cent, and Peedick wouldn't give, and Deacon Henzy and Deacon Sypher wouldn't. They said that there wuz certain members of the meetin' house that had said to certain people suthin' slightin' about buzz saws.

As I have said more formally, there wuz a hardness arozen amongst the male brethern. Deacon Peedick thought he had gi'n more than his part in proportion, and come right out plain and said so. And Deacon Bobbet said "he wuzn't the man to stand it to be told right to his face that he hadn't done his share," and he said "he wuzn't the man either, to be hinted at from the pulpit about things."

Wall, all that forenoon did I traipse through the street and not one cent did I get for the Smedleys, only Miss Gowdey said she would bring a cabbage and Miss Deacon Peedick and Miss Ingledue partly promised a squash apiece. And I mistrusted that they give 'em more to please me than anything else. Wall, I wuz clean discouraged and beat out, and so I told Josiah.

And then he would call in uncle Nate Peedick and they would bend their two gray bald heads together and talk about "specifications" and "elevations" and "ground plans" and "suller plans" till my head seemed to turn and my brain seemed most as soft as theirn.

I wouldn't want to be the one that said that he had demeaned himself to that extent. Wall, he wouldn't give a cent, and Peedick wouldn't give, and Deacon Henzy and Deacon Sypher wouldn't. They said that there wuz certain members of the meetin' house that had said to certain people suthin' slightin' about buzz saws.

As I have said more formally, there wuz a hardness arozen amongst the male brethern. Deacon Peedick thought he had gi'n more than his part in proportion, and come right out plain and said so. And Deacon Bobbet said "he wuzn't the man to stand it to be told right to his face that he hadn't done his share," and he said "he wuzn't the man either, to be hinted at from the pulpit about things."

Here his knee jints kinder gin out under him, and he slid down onto the seat and went to sleep. I guess the members wuz kinder shamed of Phileman, for Lime Peedick jumped up quick as scat and said, "It seemed the Englishmen had tried most everything else, and he wondered how it would work if them militant wimmen could be ketched and a dose of sunthin' bitter and sickenin' poured down 'em.

Miss Peedick had unexpected company come in, jest as they wuz a-settin' down to the dinner-table, and she hadn't hardly anything for dinner, and the company wuz very genteel a minister and a Justice of the Peace so she wanted to borrow a loaf of bread and a pie.