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Racey immediately sprang up, seized his friend's limp hand, and pumped it vigorously. "Bless you for them kind words," he said. "I knew you'd stick by me. I knew I could depend on old Swing to do the right thing. To-morrow you and I will traipse out and locate us a couple of jobs."

Frank my son-in-law, you know, that lives in White Water telephoned down this morning that the trained nurse had left, an' little Elsie was ailin', an' the hired girl so green, an' nothin' would do but that Sylvia must traipse up there to help Ruth before I could say 'Jack Robinson." "What do you mean?" thundered Uncle Mat and Austin in the same breath; so Mrs. Gray tried again.

Sorry to quit you cold, but I got to traipse down to the Opery House and collect my taxes, sugar. Miss Frona'll tell you." "You are a surprise, Mr. St. Vincent." Frona switched back to the point of interest, after briefly relating Harney's saccharine difficulties. "The country must indeed have been a wilderness nine years ago, and to think that you went through it at that early day!

So they broke camp early next morning, and Hiram hurried on ahead with the original in his pocket. The old man was to traipse along after him, and in all probability would reach Ragtown before Hiram had overtaken Jo.

Strout learned that Robert's release was due to the exertions of Mary and Quincy he sniffed and exclaimed: "Folks in love will do all sorts of things. She's gone on that young Sawyer, and she only started in on the thing so she could have a chance to traipse around the country with him. He'll come back here for her some day, and her market'll be made.

Secretly, I felt it all to be a big nuisance to be dragged out from my warm, comfortable bed to traipse through the snow at that time of the night. But the moment poor little Molly spoke I was glad I was living, because she was a poor little Southern girl whose husband is a Mormon.

He said otherwise he was afraid to leave Puna Punou with such a scoundrel loose, and threatened to write to Sydney for a man-of-war. But Maunga the king was a saphead and a coward, and he couldn't see it Coe's way at all; and not having the sense to keep his mouth shut, what does he do but traipse around the settlement, telling everybody what the captain said and wanted.

It was pleasant to be among people again, to hear a voice that was not the gruff speech of Stefan, given out in a powerful bass. "More as two months ve traipse all ofer," volunteered the latter. "Ye-es, Miss Sophy, ma'am, ve vork youst like niggers. Und it's only ven ve gets back real handy here, by de pig Falls, dat ve strike someting vhat look mighty good. Hugo here he build a good log-shack.

"Sort o' like a noo elected gover'ment," suggested Sandy sapiently. "Wal, I won't say that," said Sunny. "Them fellers traipse around wi' portyfolios hangin' to 'em. I don't guess we need them things. It's too hot doin' stunts like that." "Portfolios?" questioned Toby artlessly. "Wot's them for?" "Oh, jest nuthin' o' consequence. Guess it's to make folks guess they're doin' a heap o' work.

Anybody must want to see ye to traipse up through that lot as I've been doin', an' git their best clo'es all over dirt." "You could ha' come in the road," said Letty, smiling. Letty had a very sweet temper, and she had early learned that it takes all sorts o' folks to make a world. It was a part of her leisurely and generous scheme of life to live and let live.