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But you can't deny there's something comic in the rough about all Germans, before you've civilized them. They're a pecooliar people, a darned pecooliar people, else they wouldn't staff all the menial and indecent occupations on the globe. But that pecooliarity, which is only skin-deep in the working Boche, is in the bone of the grandee.

"Could you identify the cherecter 'oo came into your committee room last Seturday?" he asked of her. "No," she replied. "Couldn't you say whether it seemed like a male or a female in disguise? Couldn't you mention any physical pecooliarity that struck you?" "No," said Miss Ford. "'Ave you no memory of last Seturday night?" "No," said Miss Ford. "I have," said the witch. The policeman bridled.

And he 'ad one great pecooliarity: he was everlastingly afeard of getting old! He must ha' bin well over fifty, but he used ter get himself up outrageous young: and when I docked his shavingwater he cussed most wonderful! "'Cleanliness, and stric' observance of rules of life that is the only way ter keep young, Blake, he would say ter me.

Then, Lord what's-'is-name, he's falled in love with the mountain-tops, an' is for ever tryin' to get at 'em, in which he would succeed, for he's a plucky young feller, if it worn't for that snob who's got charge of 'im Mister Lumbard whose pecooliarity lies in preferrin' every wrong road to the right one.

But thar's this pecooliarity: After that Thomas Benton dog has done dug out the ground-hawg for a couple of hours, you-all is forced to get a spade an' dig out that Thomas Benton dog. He's dead now these yere forty years, but if he's livin' I'd shore change his name an' rebrand him "Dan'l Boggs."" The Ghost of the Bar-B-8. "Spectres? Never!

Thar was one remarkable pecooliarity about ther Nix family, frum root ter stump, an' ther war, they war nevyer known ter refuse a gift or an advantageous offer; in this respeck they bore a striking resemblance ter the immortell G'orge Washington. G'orge war innercent; he ked never tell a lie.

Our Governor he's as good a feller in hisself mind you! as you'll come across this side o' Whitechapel. Only he's just got this one pecooliarity like a bee has in his bonnet, as the sayin' is he won't give no credit, not so much as to his own wife; or his medical adwiser, if you come to that. 'Cash across invoice' that's his motter. And as for moving of him, you might just as easy move Mongblong."