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"I wanted to say something, Boris Pavlovich," said Leonti thoughtfully, raising his head, "but I can't remember what." "You said some one else had been reading my books." Leonti pointed to Vera, who was looking out of the window, but who now pulled Raisky's sleeve "Come!" she said and they left the house.

He ate his soup silently, looking round him as if he were seeking the road to Moscow, and he preserved the same demeanour all through the meal. "It is so quiet here," he said after dinner, as he looked out of the window. "There is still some green left, and the air is so fresh. Listen, Boris Pavlovich, I should like to bring the library here." "As you like. To-morrow, as far as I am concerned.

"And who is lying there asleep?" she asked in new terror as she gazed on the sleeping Mark. "Gently, Grandmother, don't wake him. It is Mark." "Mark! Shall I send for the police! What have you to do with him? You have been drinking punch at night with Mark? What has come over you, Boris Pavlovich?" "I found him at Leonti's, we were both hungry. So I brought him here and we had supper."

I send them away, but my wife receives them at the side door. She looks like Lucretia, but she has a sweet tooth, a dainty one." Raisky laughed, but Juliana Andreevna was annoyed. "Go to your Lucretia," she said indifferently. "He compares me with everybody. One day I am Cleopatra, then Lavinia, then Cornelia. Better take the books when they are offered you. Boris Pavlovich will give them to me."

After the junction with the army of the brilliant admiral and Petersburg hero Wittgenstein, this mood and the gossip of the staff reached their maximum. Kutuzov saw this and merely sighed and shrugged his shoulders. But after Bennigsen's departure, the Grand Duke Tsarevich Constantine Pavlovich joined the army.

The lines of her neck and bosom charmed him, and her head recalled to him Roman heads seen on bas-reliefs and cameos. Leonti did not recognise Raisky, when his friend suddenly entered his study. "I have not the honour," he began. But when Boris Pavlovich opened his lips he embraced him. "Wife! Ulinka!" he cried into the garden. "Come quickly, and see who has come to see us."

Please, Boris Pavlovich, be quick. Pashutka and I have locked ourselves in." "Why?" "Because we were afraid. I climbed out of the window into the yard to come and tell you. If only he does not nose anything out." Raisky went with her, laughing. He sent a message by the gendarme that he would be with the Governor in an hour. Then he sought out Mark and led him into his room.

"We have already made acquaintance," said Tushin, with a bow. "We picked up your nephew on the way. Many thanks, I need nothing, but you, Boris Pavlovich, ought to change." "You must forgive an old woman for telling you you are all half mad. No animal leaves his hole in weather like this. Yakob, shut the shutters closer. Fancy crossing the Volga in weather like this."

In the same low tone Raisky asked who the little lady was with the fine teeth and the well-developed figure. "Shame, Boris Pavlovich," and aloud, "Niel Andreevich, Borushka has been desiring to present himself to you for a long time." Raisky was about to reply when Tatiana Markovna pressed his hand, enjoining silence.

But Boris Pavlovich is full of kindness and honour, is upright, gay, original, but all these qualities are so disconnected and uncertain in their expression that we don't know what to make of them. Ah, if only he would go away. "And I need one thing rest. The doctor says I am nervous, must spare myself, and avoid all agitation. Thank God, he is also attached to Grandmother, and I am left in peace.