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Verily, they are keen as blood-hounds to seek out their prey; and for them are my wounds red, that they may drink. Canst thou not hear them, what they sing?" And they sang, as they went in between the scarlet curtains of the Cathedral door; for the procession was over, and all the roses were strewn: "Ave, verum Corpus, natum De Maria Virgine: Vere passum, immolatum In cruce pro homine!

Quinque pedes passum faciunt, passus quoque centum Viginti quinque stadium, si millia des que Octo facis stadia, duplicatum dat tibi leuca. Hic autem notandum est, quod a portu Venetie, vsque ad Constantinopolim directe per mare octingentae leucae et 80. communiter computantur ibi contentae. The English Version.

Alij de prope venientes superaddunt labori itinerandi, vt ad tertium vel ad quartum passum semper cadant in genibus.

For a long time, any woman in Rome who used wine inspired a sense of repulsion, like that excited in Europe up to a short time ago by any woman who smoked. At the time of Polybius, that is, toward the middle of the second century B.C., ladies were allowed to drink only a little passum, a kind of sweet wine, or syrup, made of raisins.

Et quoniam in equo albo ei Angelus apparuit, qui etiam ante passum praedicti maris nouem orationes Deo facere iussit, ideo successores vsque hodie diligunt equos albos, et nouenarium numerum habent prae caeteris in gratia.

In alia homines sunt toti pilosi et hispidi, vsu simiarum manibus et pedibus ambulantes, et ad arbores reptantes, qui quamuis non loquuntur, apparent rationabiles, qui regem habent, et rectores. Et in alia omnes sunt claudi, qui quamuis pedes habeant, tamen ambulant super genua multum ridiculose, imo miserabiliter, vt de passu in passum videantur casuri in terrem.