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In alia homines sunt toti pilosi et hispidi, vsu simiarum manibus et pedibus ambulantes, et ad arbores reptantes, qui quamuis non loquuntur, apparent rationabiles, qui regem habent, et rectores. Et in alia omnes sunt claudi, qui quamuis pedes habeant, tamen ambulant super genua multum ridiculose, imo miserabiliter, vt de passu in passum videantur casuri in terrem.

A. CLAUDI: Appius Claudius, the head of the most strongly aristocratic family in Rome, was censor in 311 B.C., when he constructed the via Appia, and consul in 307 and 296. He had to be carried into the senate-house in order to oppose the peace with Pyrrhus ACCEDEBAT UT: accedit is far oftener followed by a clause with quod and indicative than by a clause with ut and subjunctive.

Here Jacques Coictier, who had been unhorsed by the archdeacon's impetuous replies, regained his saddle, and interrupted him with the triumphant tone of one learned man correcting another, "Erras amice Claudi. The symbol is not the number. You take Orpheus for Hermes." "'Tis you who are in error," replied the archdeacon, gravely.

In cellae quoque culmine, quod aperiri valet et claudi, astant in pertica quatuor grifandi, vel ostiones. Odericus: duodecim Girfalcones, vt si forte Imperator in aere aquilam, vulturum, ardeam, vel collectorem cerneret, cito dimitteret istorum duas aut plures ad aucupandum. Nota, per Dromedarios, et cursores, et veloces, qui de hospitio ad hospitium permutantur, scit de remotis noua.